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:[http://oepusims.blog.de/ Oepu's Blog]
:[http://oepusims.blog.de/ Oepu's Blog]
:[http://www.poppysims.com/index.html Poppy Sims]
:[http://www.poppysims.com/index.html Poppy Sims]
:[http://simension.de/category/downloads/fashion/ Simension] (toddlers)
:[http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/simromi/ simromi] at TSR (free)
:[http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/simromi/ simromi] at TSR (free)
:[http://www.simsmaker.com/index.html Sims Maker] (toddlers)
:[http://www.simsstars.com/v3/ Sims Stars] (toddlers)
:[http://www.skysims2.com/skysims3/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=en Sky Sims]
:[http://www.skysims2.com/skysims3/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=en Sky Sims]
:[http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Vanilla%20Sim/downloads/browse/category/sims3-clothing/ Vanilla Sim] (toddlers)
:[http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Vanilla%20Sim/downloads/browse/category/sims3-clothing/ Vanilla Sim] (toddlers)
* Aladin and Jasmine outfits by [http://thesimsupply.com/showthread.php?tid=673 Kiara24 at TSS]
=Buy Mode=
=Buy Mode=
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** [http://mysim-style.blogspot.com/2010/04/cuadros-coleccion-canvas-de-dholbachie.html My Sim Style]
** [http://mysim-style.blogspot.com/2010/04/cuadros-coleccion-canvas-de-dholbachie.html My Sim Style]
* Antique baby carriage: [http://jugamos.foroactivo.net/meshes-f150/set-para-los-mas-peques-t1316.htm#11471 by Demonic] at Sims Lulamai
* Antique baby carriage & high chair: [http://jugamos.foroactivo.net/meshes-f150/set-para-los-mas-peques-t1316.htm#11471 by Demonic] at Sims Lulamai
* Baby basket (decorative): [http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=371214 lemoncandy at MTS]
* Baby basket (decorative): [http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=371214 lemoncandy at MTS]
* Birthday cards [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/12/birthday-cards.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Birthday cards [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/12/birthday-cards.html by Elin] at BYHSD
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* Nursery curtains [http://www.arte-della-vita.de/index.php?section=s3decoration&page=3 by Mabra] at Arte della Vita
* Nursery curtains [http://www.arte-della-vita.de/index.php?section=s3decoration&page=3 by Mabra] at Arte della Vita
* Plumbob mobile [http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,108153.0.html by TheNinthWave] at Insimenator
* Plumbob mobile [http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,108153.0.html by TheNinthWave] at Insimenator
* Pram (not moveable): [http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=376393 MelissaMel at MTS]
* Prams (not moveable)
** [http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=376393 MelissaMel at MTS]
** [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=776 Simmami at Sims3MarketPlatz]
* Rugs, Disney [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/board,35.0.html by Spacerox] at Custom Sims 3
* Rugs, Disney [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/board,35.0.html by Spacerox] at Custom Sims 3
* Road rug [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/12/little-boys-rug-and-cold.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Road rug [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/12/little-boys-rug-and-cold.html by Elin] at BYHSD
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==Room Sets==
==Room Sets==
* Bee themed baby furniture: [http://www.vitasims3.com/objects4.php Vita Sims 3]
* Arcadia kids' room [http://simcredibledesigns.com/don/donts3.html at Simcredible Designs] ($$$)
* Puppy-themed room: [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=324 by simmami] at Sims 3 Marktplatz
* Baby-to-child bedrooms [http://mk-sims3.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2010-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&updated-max=2011-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&max-results=11 at MK Stuff]
* New nursery meshes [http://www.lalunarossa-sims.org/sims3/objects/kids.html at La Luna Rossa]
* Baby room [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-kidsbedroom/title/Babyroom/id/941555/ by Shino&KCR] at TSR ($$$)
* Baby room [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-kidsbedroom/title/Babyroom/id/941555/ by Shino&KCR] at TSR ($$$)
* Winnie the Pooh nursery set [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/mensure/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-kidsbedroom/title/Winnie%20the%20Pooh%20Nursery%20Set/id/926380/ by mensure] at TSR (free)
* Bee themed baby furniture: [http://www.vitasims3.com/objects4.php Vita Sims 3]
* Nursery by Cassandre converted by [http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/2010/01/blog-post_27.html Lit] at Lit Sims 3 Stuff
* Animal-themed nursery [http://store.thesims3.com/setsProductDetails.html?categoryId=11488&scategoryId=12208&pcategoryId=12207&index=0&productId=OFB-SIM3:18276 at The Sims 3 Store] ($$$)
* Girl's nursery with bassinet, rug, shelf, chest of drawers, deco bear and dollhouse, lamp [http://mk-sims3.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&updated-max=2010-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&max-results=17 at MK Stuff]
* Nursery sets and toys [http://www.luniversims.com/index.php?option=com_jdownloads&Itemid=5&task=viewcategory&catid=350&site=2&start=10 by Miss1955] at L'Universims
* Crib, potty and changing table meshes at [http://xxsimsthings3xx.wifeo.com/nurserie.php Sims Things 3]
* "Sarah" New nursery item meshes [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=211 by simmami] at Sims Marktplatz
* "Connie's Room" New meshes include swing, stroller, mobile [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets/title/Connies%20Room/id/952878/ by rebecah] (TSR) (free)
* "Connie's Room" New meshes include swing, stroller, mobile [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets/title/Connies%20Room/id/952878/ by rebecah] (TSR) (free)
* Nursery set with mobile, teddy, crib, dressing table, chair [http://prosims.ru/showpost.php?p=950556&postcount=27 by Podchacha] at Prosims
* Empire nursery [http://baraquesasims.wifeo.com/les-chambre-enfant.php at Baraques a simS]
* Nursery [http://www.blackpearlsims.com/showthread.php?t=34836 by cassandre] at Black Pearl Sims
* Recolors of cassandre's nursery [http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/2010/01/blog-post_27.html at Lit Sims 3 Stuff]
* Fedora nursery/child bedroom [http://sims2.simcredibledesigns.com/ at Simcredible Designs]
* Recolors of Simcredible's Fedora nursery/child bedroom [http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/2009/12/blog-post_2007.html at Lit Sims 3 Stuff]
* Sims in Paris nursery [http://www.prosims.ru/showthread.php?t=26419&page=3 by Podchacha] at Prosims
* Baby-to-child bedrooms [http://mk-sims3.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2010-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&updated-max=2011-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&max-results=11 at MK Stuff]
* Sims in Paris nursery [http://onemoresim.blogspot.com/2010/03/sip-nursery-finally-done.html by BlackSweety] at OneMoreSim
* "Bees" nursery [http://www.casas-cosas-sims.com/index.htm by Desdren] at Casas Cosas Sims
* Cottage nursery [http://prosims.ru/showthread.php?t=26419&page=8 by Podchacha] at Prosims
* Cottage nursery [http://prosims.ru/showthread.php?t=26419&page=8 by Podchacha] at Prosims
* Crib and deco in Arcadia kids' room [http://simcredibledesigns.com/don/donts3.html at Simcredible Designs] ($$$)
* Crib, potty and changing table meshes at [http://xxsimsthings3xx.wifeo.com/nurserie.php Sims Things 3]
* Funky "Twygo" nursery [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/AnoeskaB/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-nursery/title/Twygo%20Nursery/id/967390/ by AnoeskaB] at TSR ($$$)
* New nursery meshes [http://www.lalunarossa-sims.org/sims3/objects/kids.html at La Luna Rossa]
* Nursery [http://www.besens-sims2.de/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=627 at Besen's Sims]: crib, cradle rocker with draping, dressing table, shelf, high chair, painting, curtains
* Nursery [http://www.besens-sims2.de/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=627 at Besen's Sims]: crib, cradle rocker with draping, dressing table, shelf, high chair, painting, curtains
* "Christine Anne" nursery [http://www.cc4sims.com/ at CC4Sims]
* Funky "Twygo" nursery [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/AnoeskaB/ by AnoeskaB] at TSR ($$$)
* "Ollie" nursery [http://desdren.blogspot.com/2010/04/ollie-nursery.html by Desdren]. Crib, wardrobe, coat stand, toy box, dresser, floor lamp, table lamp, potty chair, shelf and activity table.
* "Ollie" nursery [http://desdren.blogspot.com/2010/04/ollie-nursery.html by Desdren]. Crib, wardrobe, coat stand, toy box, dresser, floor lamp, table lamp, potty chair, shelf and activity table.
* Puppy-themed room: [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=324 by simmami] at Sims 3 Marktplatz
* "Sarah" New nursery item meshes [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=211 by simmami] at Sims Marktplatz
* Winnie the Pooh nursery set [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/mensure/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets-objects-kidsbedroom/title/Winnie%20the%20Pooh%20Nursery%20Set/id/926380/ by mensure] at TSR (free)
* Nursery set [http://www.simworld.de/sims3/objekte/sims3-downloads-objekte-mad-01.html by Magicdawn] at Sim World
* Sporty baby set [http://irinkakic.blogspot.com/2010/04/sporty-baby-set.html at Irinka]
===Kids' rooms===
===Kids' rooms===
* "Frolic Factory" [http://sims3.simcredibledesigns.com/index.html at Simcredible Designs]
* La Gabbianella - Orange bedroom [http://annosims.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=25b2ecd5d3f9c5aa74f97394c68f4c86&topic=4821.0 by enrosadira] at Anno Sims
* La Gabbianella - Yellow bedroom [http://annosims.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=25b2ecd5d3f9c5aa74f97394c68f4c86&topic=4820.0 by enrosadira] at Anno Sims
* La Gabbianella - Kids' Bathroom [http://annosims.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=25b2ecd5d3f9c5aa74f97394c68f4c86&topic=4821.0 by enrosadira] at Anno Sims
* Childish Colours bedroom [http://annosims.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=25b2ecd5d3f9c5aa74f97394c68f4c86&topic=4215.0 by Marby] at Anno Sims
* "Starter Kit" bedroom in green and red [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_bedroom_01.shtml# at Around the Sims]
* Bedrooms [http://baraquesasims.wifeo.com/les-chambre-enfant.php at Baraques a simS]
* Dormitorio Juvenil [http://elrefugiodeamamatite.blogspot.com/2009/11/muebles-y-decoracion-sims-3-7.html El Refugio de Amamatite]
* Hello Kitty bedroom [http://www.kachusims.net/verdown.php?d=22789 by rihedson2008] at Kachu Sims
* Hello Kitty boombox [http://www.kachusims.net/verdown.php?d=20533 by rihedson2008] at Kachu Sims
* Menino bedroom [http://www.kachusims.net/verdown.php?d=20991 rihedson2008] at Kachu Sims
* Disney characters and movie themes [http://les-sims-angels.xooit.com/t69-meubles.htm by Les Sims Angels]
* "Anita" bedroom [http://www.simcontrol.es/web/foro/138-mobiliariofurniture/37202-anita-bedroom by Beryl] at Sim Control
* GCA Kidsroom [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Sunair/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-rooms/title/GCM%20Kidsroom%20A/id/651614/ by Sunair] at TSR ($$$)
* GCA Kidsroom [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Sunair/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-rooms/title/GCM%20Kidsroom%20A/id/651614/ by Sunair] at TSR ($$$)
* GCA Kidsroom recolors [http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/ by Lit]
* Bright green "nature" bedroom [http://www.peggyzone.com/Sims3Detail.html?id=000363&sortId=00 at PeggyZone]
* Bright green "nature" bedroom [http://www.peggyzone.com/Sims3Detail.html?id=000363&sortId=00 at PeggyZone]
* Kids' rooms (kinderzimmer) [http://ladyssims3portal.simposium-hosting.de/forum/filebase/index.php?page=Category&categoryID=7 at Ladys Sims 3 Portal]
* Kids' rooms [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBView&katID=42 at Sims Marktplatz]
* Kids' rooms [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBView&katID=42 at Sims Marktplatz]
* Baby-to-child bedrooms [http://mk-sims3.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2010-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&updated-max=2011-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&max-results=11 at MK Stuff]
* Baby-to-child bedrooms [http://mk-sims3.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2010-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&updated-max=2011-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B03%3A00&max-results=11 at MK Stuff]
* Sporty Kids room [http://irinkakic.blogspot.com/2010/03/sporty-kids.html at Irink@a's blog]
* Sporty Kids room [http://irinkakic.blogspot.com/2010/03/sporty-kids.html at Irink@a's blog]
* Princess Room [http://www.thesimsresource.com/members/rebecah/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets/title/Princess%20Set/id/961342/ by rebecah] at TSR (free)
* Princess Room [http://www.thesimsresource.com/members/rebecah/downloads/details/category/sims3-sets/title/Princess%20Set/id/961342/ by rebecah] at TSR (free)
* Arcadia kids' room [http://simcredibledesigns.com/don/donts3.html at Simcredible Designs] ($$$). Crib, bed, dresser, curtain, valance, fabric swag, decor toy, tricycle, sofa, loveseat, 2 Pacman lamps, 2 ghost lamps, mobile, activity table, toy box, wall art and surface deco
* Arcadia kids' room [http://simcredibledesigns.com/don/donts3.html at Simcredible Designs] ($$$).
* Bunk bed [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects/title/NFJ%20Beliche%20Moderna/id/964758/ by Nayara] at TSR (free)
* Bunk bed [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects/title/NFJ%20Beliche%20Moderna/id/964758/ by Nayara] at TSR (free)
* "On the Road" kids' room [http://onemoresim.blogspot.com/2010/04/on-road-kids-room-set.html by Black Sweety] at One More Sim. Bed, desk, bureau, shelving
===Teen Rooms===
===Teen Rooms===
* Metallic boom boxes in silver or pink [http://amasims3.net/index.php at Ama Sims 3]
* Boom boxes [http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,108566.0.html by TheNinthWave] at Insimenator
* Boom box [http://www.kachusims.net/verdown.php?d=27345 by juka13] at Kachu Sims
* Modern desk set [http://5npc.devhub.com/blog/category/learning-center at 5npc]
* Teen bedrooms [http://www.akisima.de/wbb2/filebase.php?cat=99 at Akisima]
* Lovely Lilac bedroom [http://annosims.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=25b2ecd5d3f9c5aa74f97394c68f4c86&topic=4216.0 by Marbi] at Anno Sims
* Shabby Chic teen girls' room [http://annosims.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=25b2ecd5d3f9c5aa74f97394c68f4c86&topic=2860.0 by Marbi] at Anno Sims
* Blue and yellow teen room [http://annosims.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=25b2ecd5d3f9c5aa74f97394c68f4c86&topic=3428.0 by Marbi] at Anno Sims
* "Starter Kit" bedroom in black and white [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_bedroom_01.shtml# at Around the Sims]
* Bedrooms [http://baraquesasims.wifeo.com/les-chambre-enfant.php at Baraques a simS]
* Bulletin boards [http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?PHPSESSID=lpl0llcsnc8fkq3k5136gll564&topic=15282.0 by pinketamine] at Garden of Shadows
* Bulletin boards [http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?PHPSESSID=lpl0llcsnc8fkq3k5136gll564&topic=15282.0 by pinketamine] at Garden of Shadows
* Posters [http://simscrossing.net/index.php?PHPSESSID=b4418b3c82f7c6a855ccba18bfd24518&topic=3931.0 by susieb] at Sims Crossing
* Teen phone and pillow [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2010/01/breeze-bedroom-clutter.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* iPhone [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/12/iphone.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* iPhone [http://www.freshprincecreations.com/decorpgts3.htm by Fresh Prince Creations]
* Samsung phone [http://www.freshprincecreations.com/ts3electronicspg.htm by Fresh Prince Creations]
* Colorful pics for teen girl room [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/10/small-update.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Youth sports rooms [http://les-sims-angels.xooit.com/t50-Les-meubles.htm at Les Sims Angels]
* Recolors of Sunair Sims FOF Boys Room [http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/2010/01/blog-post_27.html at Lit Sims 3 Stuff]
* Recolors of Sunair Sims FOF Girls Room [http://litsims3stuff.blogspot.com/2010/01/blog-post_19.html at Lit Sims 3 Stuff]
* FOF Boys Room [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Sunair/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-rooms-kidsbedrooms/title/FOF%20Boys%20Room/id/755168/ by Sunair Sims] at TSR ($$$)
* FOF Boys Room [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Sunair/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-rooms-kidsbedrooms/title/FOF%20Boys%20Room/id/755168/ by Sunair Sims] at TSR ($$$)
* FOF Girls Room [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Sunair/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-rooms-kidsbedrooms/title/FOF%20Girls%20Room/id/744674/ by Sunair Sims] at TSR ($$$)
* FOF Girls Room [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Sunair/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-rooms-kidsbedrooms/title/FOF%20Girls%20Room/id/744674/ by Sunair Sims] at TSR ($$$)
* Teen rooms (mädchenzimmer/teen girls, jugendzimmer/teens) [http://ladyssims3portal.simposium-hosting.de/forum/filebase/index.php?page=Category&categoryID=7 at Ladys Sims 3 Portal]
* Posters [http://simscrossing.net/index.php?PHPSESSID=b4418b3c82f7c6a855ccba18bfd24518&topic=3931.0 by susieb] at Sims Crossing
* Teens' rooms [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBView&katID=42 at Sims Marktplatz]
* Teens' rooms [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBView&katID=42 at Sims Marktplatz]
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* Toybox retextures (Disney, Spongebob etc) [http://linna.modthesims.info/download.php?t=399085 by rainbowtwilight] at MTS
* Toybox retextures (Disney, Spongebob etc) [http://linna.modthesims.info/download.php?t=399085 by rainbowtwilight] at MTS
* Treehouse: [http://creasims3.jimdo.com/téléchargements-downloads/divers Crea Sims 3]
* Treehouse: [http://creasims3.jimdo.com/téléchargements-downloads/divers Crea Sims 3]
* Pushchair as high chair by [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBData&dataID=776 Simmami at Sims3MarketPlatz]
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'''[[Sims 3:Content Lists|Main Page]]'''

Latest revision as of 21:21, 5 January 2014

Content Lists by Category

Animals  | Anime and Video Games  | Building and Construction  | Celebrity Sims  | Character Sims  | Child-Related | Create-A-Sim Content  | Crime, Punishment, and Public Service  | Decorating Themes  | EA Match  | Fantasy/Sci-Fi  | Food  | Game Mods and Hacks  | Historical and Ethnic  | Holidays  | Medical  | Patterns  | Programs and Utilities  | Religious  | Work & School  | Sims 1 & 2 for Sims 3  | Vehicles  | Weddings and Marriage


For Game Mods & Hacks related to children, see Game Mods: Reproduction, Relationships, and Family.

[edit] Create-a-Sim

[edit] Accessories

[edit] Clothing

Orange, green and red default replacement swaddling for newborns by hillswater at TSR

Sites with quality children's clothing (but not necessarily quantity):

All About Style
Around the Sims 3
cemre at TSR
El Refugio de Amamatite
Fashion Twist
Helaene at theSims3.com
jonha at MTS: mesh for girl/boy swimwear or pajama shorts, girl/boy brief swimwear or pajamas, and girls' swimwear or pajama top
Kiara24 at MTS
Liana Sims 3
Lili Sims
lreveles18 at TSR (free)
Missimis (for toddlers)
Miss Skitty's Custom Content
Momodoll (MTS) (toddlers)
Oepu's Blog
Poppy Sims
simromi at TSR (free)
Sky Sims
Vanilla Sim (toddlers)

[edit] Buy Mode

[edit] Decoration

[edit] Object Mods

[edit] Room Sets

[edit] Nurseries

[edit] Kids' rooms

[edit] Teen Rooms

[edit] Toys

[edit] Decorative

  • Arcadia kids' room at Simcredible Designs ($$$). Decor toy, tricycle, activity table, toy box.
  • Bear toys by SoulSim at Casas, Cosas, Sims
  • Blocks, wooden train set, wooden doll, kids' paints, crayons by lemoncandy at MTS
  • Child's stepstool, teddy bear, wheelbarrow at Einfach Simlisch
  • Conversion of cassandre's TS2 deco toys by Sunhair: male and female taru-tarus character dolls, beaver/bear, duck, pig, koala, seal, lion, octopus, rabbit, star, cow, snail, bee, ox, panda, giraffe, elephant, round pillow, alligator
  • Dolls by Sims Trastos
  • Firetruck (deco) by TheNinthWave at Insimenator
  • Happy Kid playroom set (jumping rope, swing (chair), hula hoop, skateboard, toy) at Simpossible
  • Japanese bear toys and slippers (deco) by Infusorian
  • Knitted monkey, princess pillow, modern dollhouse by Elin at BYHSD
  • Teddy bear, polar bear, toddler toys, tricycle (decorative) by SoulSim at Casas, Cosas, Sims
  • Winnie the Pooh stuffed character set at Savio's Blog

[edit] Functional

[edit] Other

[edit] Lots

Content Lists by Category

Animals  | Anime and Video Games  | Building and Construction  | Celebrity Sims  | Character Sims  | Child-Related | Create-A-Sim Content  | Crime, Punishment, and Public Service  | Decorating Themes  | EA Match  | Fantasy/Sci-Fi  | Food  | Game Mods and Hacks  | Historical and Ethnic  | Holidays  | Medical  | Patterns  | Programs and Utilities  | Religious  | Work & School  | Sims 1 & 2 for Sims 3  | Vehicles  | Weddings and Marriage

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