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''For Game Mods & Hacks related to children, see [[Sims 3 Content List:Game Mods and Hacks#Reproduction, Relationships, and Family| Game Mods: Reproduction, Relationships, and Family]].''
''For Game Mods & Hacks related to children, see [[Sims 3 Content List:Game Mods and Hacks#Reproduction, Relationships, and Family| Game Mods: Reproduction, Relationships, and Family]].''
===Facial changes===
:"Apple" brows for toddlers and children [http://helaene.wordpress.com/2010/02/03/brows-apple-brows-for-kids-toddlers/ by Helaene]
* Heart chain bracelet [http://sims3creationsbytia.blogspot.com/2010/04/chain-heart-bracelet-for-girls.html at Sims 3 Creations by Tia]
:Eyebrows for children [http://lessims3desubaxi.blogspot.com/2010/01/eyebrows-c.html by Subaxi]
* Hello Kitty earrings and bracelet [http://sims3creationsbytia.blogspot.com/2010/04/hello-kitty-jewelry-for-girls-new.html at Sims 3 Creations by Tia]
* Pacifiers [http://xxsimsthingsxx.xooit.com/t1974-Tetines-pour-bambins.htm#p45422 by dyokabb] at Sims Things 3
:Pacifiers [http://xxsimsthingsxx.xooit.com/t1974-Tetines-pour-bambins.htm#p45422 by dyokabb] at Sims Things 3
:Orange, green and red default replacement swaddling for newborns [http://www.thesimsresource.com/members/hillswater/ by hillswater] at TSR
:Flip-flops for children [http://www.lilisims.com/sims3.html at Lili Sims]
:Toddler shoes [http://www.lorandiasims3.com/ Lorandia Sims]
:Girls' sandals [http://www.lilisims.com/sims3.html at LiliSims]
:Heart chain bracelet [http://sims3creationsbytia.blogspot.com/2010/04/chain-heart-bracelet-for-girls.html at Sims 3 Creations by Tia]
:Hello Kitty earrings and bracelet [http://sims3creationsbytia.blogspot.com/2010/04/hello-kitty-jewelry-for-girls-new.html at Sims 3 Creations by Tia]
:Bunting for newborns [http://www.thesimsresource.com/members/hillswater/ by hillswater] at TSR (free)
Sites with quality children's clothing (but not necessarily quantity):
Sites with quality children's clothing (but not necessarily quantity):
:[http://www.all-about-style.com/sims3.html All About Style]
:[http://www.all-about-style.com/sims3.html All About Style]
:[http://www.aroundthesims3.com/clothes/index.html Around the Sims 3]
:[http://www.aroundthesims3.com/clothes/index.html Around the Sims 3]
:[http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/cemre/downloads/browse/category/sims3-clothing/ cemre] at TSR (free)
:[http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/cemre/downloads/browse/category/sims3-clothing/ cemre] at TSR
:[http://elrefugiodeamamatite.blogspot.com/search/label/SIMS%203 El Refugio de Amamatite]
:[http://elrefugiodeamamatite.blogspot.com/search/label/SIMS%203 El Refugio de Amamatite]
:[http://www.fashiontwist.org/ Fashion Twist]
:[http://www.fashiontwist.org/ Fashion Twist]
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:[http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Vanilla%20Sim/downloads/browse/category/sims3-clothing/ Vanilla Sim] (toddlers)
:[http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Vanilla%20Sim/downloads/browse/category/sims3-clothing/ Vanilla Sim] (toddlers)
==Buy mode==
=Buy Mode=
* Art & posters:
** [http://www.skysims2.com/skysims3/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=en Nadiah (Sky Sims)]
** [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects-furnishing-decor-paintingsposters/title/Wild%20Animals%20/id/918578/ Vanilla Sim (TSR)]
** [http://desdren.blogspot.com/2009/11/4-paintings-for-kids-room.html Desdren]
** [http://helaene.wordpress.com/2010/01/09/objects-meomi-wall-art-for-kids/ Helaene]
** [http://labuhardilladeberyl.blogspot.com/2010/02/bugs-i-bugs-ii.html La Buhardilla de Beryl]
** [http://simscrossing.net/index.php?PHPSESSID=f4724fd737cb540ca73c20516238de4f&topic=4313.0 Cameranutz II (Sims Crossing)]
** [http://yuyansims.jimdo.com/sims3/%E7%89%A9%E5%93%81-objects/7/ Yuyan Sims]
** [http://mysim-style.blogspot.com/2010/04/cuadros-coleccion-canvas-de-dholbachie.html My Sim Style]
* Antique baby carriage: [http://jugamos.foroactivo.net/meshes-f150/set-para-los-mas-peques-t1316.htm#11471 by Demonic] at Sims Lulamai
* Baby basket (decorative): [http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=371214 lemoncandy at MTS]
* Birthday cards [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/12/birthday-cards.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Boys' baby clothes clutter [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/10/baby-clothes-clutter-set-boys-ver.html by Elin] at BYHSD's Blog
* Bright rugs [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects-furnishing-decor-rugs/title/FUN%20RUGS/id/967777/ by abuk0] at TSR (free)
* Girls' baby clothes clutter [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/10/part-2-of-baby-clothes-clutter-set.html by Elin] at BYHSD's Blog
* Nursery curtains [http://www.arte-della-vita.de/index.php?section=s3decoration&page=3 by Mabra] at Arte della Vita
* Plumbob mobile [http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,108153.0.html by TheNinthWave] at Insimenator
* Pram (not moveable): [http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=376393 MelissaMel at MTS]
* Rugs, Disney [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/board,35.0.html by Spacerox] at Custom Sims 3
* Road rug [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/12/little-boys-rug-and-cold.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Stroller (decorative): [http://www.simstrastos.com/index.htm by Sims Trastos]
* Unisex rugs for children's rooms [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/topic,1898.0.html by Spacerox] at Custom Sims 3
==Object Mods==
* Anti-toddler gate [http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=358317 Williham at MTS]
* Transparent baby bottle (no more green milk!): [http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=357166 Nandonalt at MTS]
* Transparent baby bottle (no more green milk!): [http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=357166 Nandonalt at MTS]
* White milk [http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=391044 by daluved1] at MTS
* White milk [http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=391044 by daluved1] at MTS
* Anti-toddler gate [http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=358317 Williham at MTS]
* Children can get a hot drink or juice from the bar [http://www.the-isz.com/theisz/index.php?showtopic=3590&view=getnewpost at Crazy Town]
* Children can use Dive Well for WA [http://www.the-isz.com/theisz/index.php?showtopic=3680&view=getnewpost at Crazy Town]
* Auto nanny (recurring babysitter) [http://www.the-isz.com/theisz/index.php?showtopic=4573&view=getnewpost at Crazy Town]
* Child can extinguish fire [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/topic,1802.0.html at Custom Sims 3]
* Children and teens can move, buy homes themselves [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/topic,1234.0.html by Shad0w] at Custom Sims 3
* Child can make a purchase at the cash register [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/topic,1233.0.html by Shad0w] at Custom Sims 3
* Child can burn and dance [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/topic,1220.0.html at Custom Sims 3]
* Child can use VR goggles [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/topic,1213.0.html by Shad0w] at Custom Sims 3
* Treehouse: [http://creasims3.jimdo.com/téléchargements-downloads/divers Crea Sims 3]
* Winnie the Pooh stuffed character set [http://saviostuff.blogspot.com/2009/10/toys-pack-hand-chair.html at Savio's Blog]
* Toys (decorative) [http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=371214 by lemoncandy] at MTS. Blocks, wooden train set, wooden doll, kids' paints, crayons.
* Conversion of cassandre's TS2 deco toys [http://www.sunhairsimscreations.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46 by Sunhair]: male and female taru-tarus character dolls, beaver/bear, duck, pig, koala, seal, lion, octopus, rabbit, star, cow, snail, bee, ox, panda, giraffe, elephant, round pillow, alligator
* Toy oven default replacement & non-default [http://linna.modthesims.info/d/378053 by haru011] at MTS
* Teddy bear, polar bear, toddler toys, tricycle (decorative) [http://www.casas-cosas-sims.com/otros-modo-comprar-others-buy-mode-f100/juguetes-2-sonajero-y-aros-toys-2-rattle-and-hoop-t4154.htm#53371 by SoulSim] at Casas, Cosas, Sims
* Toys (decorative) [http://www.blackpearlsims.com/showthread.php?t=35534 by Isabel] at Black Pearl Sims
* Toys (based on teddy bear) [http://saviostuff.blogspot.com/2009/10/toys-pack-hand-chair.html at Savio's Blog]
* Toys (deco) [http://www.casas-cosas-sims.com/otros-modo-comprar-others-buy-mode-f100/juguetes-3-ositos-toys-3-teddy-bears-t4168.htm#53409 by SoulSim] at Casas, Cosas, Sims
* Happy Kid playroom set (jumping rope, swing (chair), hula hoop, skateboard, toy) [http://www.simpossible.net/objectsets3.html at Simpossible]
* Japanese bear toys and slippers (deco) [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/10/bear-conversion-set.html by Infusorian]
* Recolored xylophone [http://helaene.wordpress.com/2010/01/01/object-recolored-xylophone/ Helaene at theSims3.com]
* Chilly Willy penguin toy [http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,109010.0.html by BabyBlueBug] at Insimenator
* Bunny toy [http://www.kachusims.net/verdown.php?d=27783 by alelokk] at Kachu Sims
* Block table [http://www.poppysims.com/index.html at Poppy Sims]
* Sims 2 toys [http://linna.modthesims.info/download.php?t=397537 by Purplepaws] at MTS. Robert the Robot, giraffe, bear, LACK stuffed frog and hippo, Caon's stuffed "freezer" bunny, clown-in-a-box, The Prototype X94 "Angsternaut" Robosuit, Princess Collection dolls, Falconeer chopper, Little Heroes firetruck, prop plane, classic model car.
* Kids' room deco [http://sims3.simcredibledesigns.com/index.html at Simcredible Designs]. Caterpillar tunnel, giant Lego blocks, childrens' books, octopus, bunny, rubber ducky, large dice, beach ball.
* Arcadia kids' room [http://simcredibledesigns.com/don/donts3.html at Simcredible Designs] ($$$). Decor toy, tricycle, activity table, toy box.
* Toybox retextures [http://linna.modthesims.info/download.php?t=399085 by rainbowtwilight] at MTS
* Playground climber [http://sims3feeessen.plusboard.de/klettermax-t23.html at Sims 3 FeeEssen]
* Playable chicks for children and toddlers [http://sims3feeessen.plusboard.de/ostern-t8.html at Sims 3 FeeEssen]
* Toy ovens [http://artsims.ru/2009/12/toy-cooker-for-sims-3-igrushechnaya-plitka-dlya-sims-3/ Art Sims]
==Room Sets==
* Bee themed baby furniture: [http://www.vitasims3.com/objects4.php Vita Sims 3]
* Bee themed baby furniture: [http://www.vitasims3.com/objects4.php Vita Sims 3]
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* Bunk bed [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects/title/NFJ%20Beliche%20Moderna/id/964758/ by Nayara] at TSR (free)
* Bunk bed [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects/title/NFJ%20Beliche%20Moderna/id/964758/ by Nayara] at TSR (free)
* "On the Road" kids' room [http://onemoresim.blogspot.com/2010/04/on-road-kids-room-set.html by Black Sweety] at One More Sim. Bed, desk, bureau, shelving
* "On the Road" kids' room [http://onemoresim.blogspot.com/2010/04/on-road-kids-room-set.html by Black Sweety] at One More Sim. Bed, desk, bureau, shelving
* Nursery art [http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/CarpeDiem/ by Carpe Diem] at TSR (free)
* Boys' baby clothes clutter [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/10/baby-clothes-clutter-set-boys-ver.html by Elin] at BYHSD's Blog
* Girls' baby clothes clutter [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/10/part-2-of-baby-clothes-clutter-set.html by Elin] at BYHSD's Blog
* Art for childrens' rooms [http://www.skysims2.com/skysims3/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=en by Nadiah] at Sky Sims
* Decorative dolls [http://www.simstrastos.com/obvarios/variosuna.htm by Sims Trastos]
* Unisex rugs for children's rooms [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/topic,1898.0.html by Spacerox] at Custom Sims 3
* Pram (not moveable): [http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=376393 MelissaMel at MTS]
* Baby basket (decorative): [http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=371214 lemoncandy at MTS]
* Antique baby carriage: [http://jugamos.foroactivo.net/meshes-f150/set-para-los-mas-peques-t1316.htm#11471 by Demonic] at Sims Lulamai
* Stroller (decorative): [http://www.simstrastos.com/index.htm by Sims Trastos]
* "Wild Animals" four paintings: [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects-furnishing-decor-paintingsposters/title/Wild%20Animals%20/id/918578/ by Vanilla Sim] at TSR (free)
* Knitted monkey, princess pillow, modern dollhouse [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2010/01/stork.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Birthday cards [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/12/birthday-cards.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Rugs; Disney [http://www.customsims3.com/smf/index.php/board,35.0.html by Spacerox] at Custom Sims 3
* Large wall art [http://desdren.blogspot.com/2009/11/4-paintings-for-kids-room.html by Desdren]
* Road rug [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2009/12/little-boys-rug-and-cold.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Wall art [http://helaene.wordpress.com/category/objects/ Helaene at theSims3.com]
* Plum bob mobile [http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,108153.0.html by TheNinthWave] at Insimenator
* Firetruck (deco) [http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,108645.0.html by TheNinthWave] at Insimenator
* TS2 panda chair [http://www.kachusims.net/verdown.php?d=22830 by Nandonalt] at Kachu Sims
* Colorful narrow bug paintings [http://labuhardilladeberyl.blogspot.com/2010/02/bugs-i-bugs-ii.html at La Buhardilla de Beryl]
* Child's stepstool, teddy bear, wheelbarrow [http://einfachsimlisch.ei.funpic.de/Sims3/deco3.html at Einfach Simlisch]
* "Fisk" kids' art [http://simscrossing.net/index.php?PHPSESSID=f4724fd737cb540ca73c20516238de4f&topic=4313.0 by Cameranutz II] at Sims Crossing
* Baby carriage - looks like you can put a baby in it [http://xxsimsthings3xx.wifeo.com/index.php at SimsThings3]
* Kids' room deco [http://sims3.simcredibledesigns.com/index.html at Simcredible Designs]. Caterpillar, giant Lego blocks, childrens' books, octopus, bunny, rubber ducky, large dice, beach ball.
* Colorful Holbachie Yoko fantasy art [http://mysim-style.blogspot.com/2010/04/cuadros-coleccion-canvas-de-dholbachie.html at My Sim Style]
* Gentle pastel paintings [http://yuyansims.jimdo.com/sims3/%E7%89%A9%E5%93%81-objects/7/ at Yuyan Sims
* Nursery curtains [http://www.arte-della-vita.de/index.php?section=s3decoration&page=3 by Mabra] at Arte della Vita
* Bright rugs [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-objects-furnishing-decor-rugs/title/FUN%20RUGS/id/967777/ by abuk0] at TSR (free)
===Teen Clothing===
* [http://www.all-about-style.com/teen.html teen girls and boys] at All About Style
* [http://www.annamariasims2.com/Sims3/fashion.php?age=Teen&section=Casual teen girls] at Anna Maria Sims 3
* [http://www.aroundthesims3.com/clothes/clothes_ft_00.shtml for teen girls] at Around the Sims
* [http://www.fashiontwist.org/ teen girls and boys] at Fashion Twist
===Teen Rooms===
===Teen Rooms===
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* Teens' rooms [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBView&katID=42 at Sims Marktplatz]
* Teens' rooms [http://www.sims3marktplatz.net/forum/index.php?page=DownloadDBView&katID=42 at Sims Marktplatz]
* Arcadia kids' room [http://simcredibledesigns.com/don/donts3.html at Simcredible Designs] ($$$). Decor toy, tricycle, activity table, toy box.
* Bear toys [http://www.casas-cosas-sims.com/otros-modo-comprar-others-buy-mode-f100/juguetes-3-ositos-toys-3-teddy-bears-t4168.htm#53409 by SoulSim] at Casas, Cosas, Sims
* Blocks, wooden train set, wooden doll, kids' paints, crayons [http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=371214 by lemoncandy] at MTS
* Child's stepstool, teddy bear, wheelbarrow [http://einfachsimlisch.ei.funpic.de/Sims3/deco3.html at Einfach Simlisch]
* Conversion of cassandre's TS2 deco toys [http://www.sunhairsimscreations.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46 by Sunhair]: male and female taru-tarus character dolls, beaver/bear, duck, pig, koala, seal, lion, octopus, rabbit, star, cow, snail, bee, ox, panda, giraffe, elephant, round pillow, alligator
* Dolls [http://www.simstrastos.com/obvarios/variosuna.htm by Sims Trastos]
* Firetruck (deco) [http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,108645.0.html by TheNinthWave] at Insimenator
* Happy Kid playroom set (jumping rope, swing (chair), hula hoop, skateboard, toy) [http://www.simpossible.net/objectsets3.html at Simpossible]
* Japanese bear toys and slippers (deco) [http://infusorian.blogspot.com/2009/10/bear-conversion-set.html by Infusorian]
* Knitted monkey, princess pillow, modern dollhouse [http://byhsd.blogspot.com/2010/01/stork.html by Elin] at BYHSD
* Teddy bear, polar bear, toddler toys, tricycle (decorative) [http://www.casas-cosas-sims.com/otros-modo-comprar-others-buy-mode-f100/juguetes-2-sonajero-y-aros-toys-2-rattle-and-hoop-t4154.htm#53371 by SoulSim] at Casas, Cosas, Sims
* Winnie the Pooh stuffed character set [http://saviostuff.blogspot.com/2009/10/toys-pack-hand-chair.html at Savio's Blog]
* Bunny toy [http://www.kachusims.net/verdown.php?d=27783 by alelokk] at Kachu Sims
* Chilly Willy penguin toy [http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,109010.0.html by BabyBlueBug] at Insimenator
* No cupcake design on toy oven - default replacement & non-default [http://linna.modthesims.info/d/378053 by haru011] at MTS
* Playground climber [http://sims3feeessen.plusboard.de/klettermax-t23.html at Sims 3 FeeEssen]
* Playable chicks for children and toddlers [http://sims3feeessen.plusboard.de/ostern-t8.html at Sims 3 FeeEssen]
* Recoloured pastel colours xylophone [http://helaene.wordpress.com/2010/01/01/object-recolored-xylophone/ Helaene]
* Sims 2 toys (some functional, some deco) [http://linna.modthesims.info/download.php?t=397537 by Purplepaws] at MTS.
* Toybox retextures (Disney, Spongebob etc) [http://linna.modthesims.info/download.php?t=399085 by rainbowtwilight] at MTS
* Treehouse: [http://creasims3.jimdo.com/téléchargements-downloads/divers Crea Sims 3]
* [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-lots-community/title/Cryatal%20Fields%20Family%20Park/id/890189/ Cryatal Fields Family Park] (pond and playground) by meg1xx at TSR (free)
* [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-lots-community/title/Cryatal%20Fields%20Family%20Park/id/890189/ Cryatal Fields Family Park] (pond and playground) by meg1xx at TSR (free)
* [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-lots-community/title/Riverview%20school.%20/id/904927/ Riverview School] by luckyoyo at TSR (free)
* [http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims3-lots-community/title/Riverview%20school.%20/id/904927/ Riverview School] by luckyoyo at TSR (free)

Revision as of 18:37, 25 April 2010

Content Lists by Category

Animals  | Anime and Video Games  | Building and Construction  | Celebrity Sims  | Character Sims  | Child-Related | Create-A-Sim Content  | Crime, Punishment, and Public Service  | Decorating Themes  | EA Match  | Fantasy/Sci-Fi  | Food  | Game Mods and Hacks  | Historical and Ethnic  | Holidays  | Medical  | Patterns  | Programs and Utilities  | Religious  | Work & School  | Sims 1 & 2 for Sims 3  | Vehicles  | Weddings and Marriage


For Game Mods & Hacks related to children, see Game Mods: Reproduction, Relationships, and Family.




Orange, green and red default replacement swaddling for newborns by hillswater at TSR

Sites with quality children's clothing (but not necessarily quantity):

All About Style
Around the Sims 3
cemre at TSR
El Refugio de Amamatite
Fashion Twist
Helaene at theSims3.com
jonha at MTS: mesh for girl/boy swimwear or pajama shorts, girl/boy brief swimwear or pajamas, and girls' swimwear or pajama top
Kiara24 at MTS
Liana Sims 3
Lili Sims
lreveles18 at TSR (free)
Missimis (for toddlers)
Miss Skitty's Custom Content
Momodoll (MTS) (toddlers)
Oepu's Blog
Poppy Sims
Simension (toddlers)
simromi at TSR (free)
Sims Maker (toddlers)
Sims Stars (toddlers)
Sky Sims
Vanilla Sim (toddlers)

Buy Mode


Object Mods

Room Sets


Kids' rooms

Teen Rooms



  • Arcadia kids' room at Simcredible Designs ($$$). Decor toy, tricycle, activity table, toy box.
  • Bear toys by SoulSim at Casas, Cosas, Sims
  • Blocks, wooden train set, wooden doll, kids' paints, crayons by lemoncandy at MTS
  • Child's stepstool, teddy bear, wheelbarrow at Einfach Simlisch
  • Conversion of cassandre's TS2 deco toys by Sunhair: male and female taru-tarus character dolls, beaver/bear, duck, pig, koala, seal, lion, octopus, rabbit, star, cow, snail, bee, ox, panda, giraffe, elephant, round pillow, alligator
  • Dolls by Sims Trastos
  • Firetruck (deco) by TheNinthWave at Insimenator
  • Happy Kid playroom set (jumping rope, swing (chair), hula hoop, skateboard, toy) at Simpossible
  • Japanese bear toys and slippers (deco) by Infusorian
  • Knitted monkey, princess pillow, modern dollhouse by Elin at BYHSD
  • Teddy bear, polar bear, toddler toys, tricycle (decorative) by SoulSim at Casas, Cosas, Sims
  • Winnie the Pooh stuffed character set at Savio's Blog



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