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*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/1469/tutorial-create-transparent-skirt How to Create a Transparent Skirt by untraditionalnerd at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/1469/tutorial-create-transparent-skirt How to Create a Transparent Skirt by untraditionalnerd at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/10/tutorial-using-sims-studio-accessory Using Sims 4 Studio to Add an Accessory by orangemittens at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/10/tutorial-using-sims-studio-accessory Using Sims 4 Studio to Add an Accessory by orangemittens at S4S]
*[http://sims4studio.com/thread/62/fix-uv-map-template  CAS Part UV template by brujah at S4S]
=====Object Tutorials=====
=====Object Tutorials=====

Revision as of 19:01, 5 February 2019

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 




Blender CAS Tutorials

  • Weight Transfer in Blender by Brujah at S4S Gold star-25pixels.jpgGold star-25pixels.jpgGold star-25pixels.jpgGold star-25pixels.jpgGold star-25pixels.jpg This is how you transfer (copy) vertex weight values from game meshes to your new mesh parts in Blender. (Older Sims versions called them Bone Assignments.) It's way easier than the old bone assignments in Milkshape because instead of configuring each vertex by itself, you select the game piece, then your 'new mesh' piece and transfer the vertex weights all at once. The new mesh vertexes will pick up the vertex weights based on it's proximity to vertexes in the active game mesh you selected, even if the vertexes have different weights.

Caster Tutorials

CASTools Tutorials

GIMP tutorials

Paint.net Tutorials

Photoshop Tutorials

s4pe Tutorials

Sims 4 Studio Tutorials

CAS Tutorials
Object Tutorials
Pose Tutorials

UV Maps


Makeup & Genetics

Eye Shadow


Face Paint



Meshing Tutorials

Blender Tutorials

S4PE Tutorials

Pose & Animation Tutorials

Resources for CAS/Posing




Tutorials from Sims 2 and Sims 3 that may help

These tutorial relate to clothing, but are specific techniques, tools, and tips helpful to beginners and more experienced skinners alike, for trying something specific. Some of these tutorials may be written for Sims 2 and Sims 3, however the same techniques can be used in Sims 4.

Spammy Sites - Be Careful

!!!! WARNING - THESE SITES ARE SPAMMY AND OPEN JUNK PAGES!!! Be Careful. Make sure you are opening the correct links and not junkware.


Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 

Personal tools

game select