Tutorials:TS4 Object Tutorials
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Sims 4 Object Creation Tutorials
General Info
- Components of an EA object Documentation going over the resources in an EA object.package.
- How to find the definition ID of Maxis objects the easy way
- THUM 0x16CA6BC4 / TMLT 0xB0118C15 thumbnail resources
- CSV list of IDs, names, and tuning names and IDs of objects (DarkWalker)
- Finding Maxis string and object IDs
Object Editing & Recoloring
Look for the Beginner tutorials which detail everything for absolute beginners.
- Start to Finish Object Tutorials for Absolute Beginners by orangemittens at sims4studio.
This is a 5 star beginners tutorial.
- Weight Transfer in Blender by Brujah at S4S
This is how you transfer (copy) vertex weight values from game meshes to your new mesh parts in Blender. (Older Sims versions called them Bone Assignments.) It's way easier than the old bone assignments in Milkshape because instead of configuring each vertex by itself, you select the game piece, then your 'new mesh' piece and transfer the vertexes weights all at once. The new mesh vertexes will pick up the vertex weights based on it's proximity to vertexes in the active game mesh you selected.
- How to convert a Sims 2 object to Sims 4 by Orangemittens at S4S
- How to create a custom(ized) catalog object
- Custom Harvestables: An overview
- Create a Custom Painting - Video Tutorial by Bakie
- Create Custom Wall Stickers - Video Tutorial by Bakie
- Recolor an Object Using Sims 4 Studio - Learn to create a new standalone recolor of an EA object.
- Components of an EA Object - Learn what makes up an object .package and what all those resources do.
- Merge Multiple Object Recolors Into One Catalog Entry
- How to Merge Multiple .packages Into a Single .package
- Resize an EA Rug and Change Its Footprint To Match
- Change Comfort & Other Scores of a Bed - Learn to change the tuning & catalog entry of an object.
- Make an Unbuyable Object Buyable - Especially useful for EA's debug items.
- Make Locked Objects Buyable Without Earning the Achievement - Make your recolors of EA's "career achievement" locked items buyable for all Sims.
- Remove the Shine From an Object Recolor - Learn to easily edit an object's specular image to remove shininess where you don't want it.
- Change Comfort & Other Scores of a Sims 4 Bed - Learn how to change the tuning of one object so it has the tuning of a different object.
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