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"SIMooligan" the username, was established in 2004. The name is a derivative of "Hooligan", as inspired by "Yahooligan's" at the time, and of course "The Sims" franchise; thus, "SIMooligan" was created. SIMooligan has been playing The Sims franchise since 2000, and has been involved in the community since 2004.

SIMooligan has been a member of various Sims 2 and Sims 4 communities. He was a resident artist at Sterling Sims 2 & The Creator's Forum founded by SterlingDT, as well as Totally Sim Crazy, run by Nix and VanillaSims. SIMooligan also managed his own community forum called The Sims 2 Sanctuary (2005-2009).

In 2008, SIMooligan created a near full-scale replica of the RMS Titanic. The model remains available for download on ModTheSims.Info. A YouTube channel dedicated to his Sims 2 Titanic project remains active. In 2021, SIMooligan once again recreated the RMS Titanic, but this time, in The Sims 4, also available on ModTheSims.Info. Additionally, he created The White House, found on ModTheSims.Info

SIMooligan,is a Rhode Islander. He identifies as LGBTQIAA+. He currently resides on the West Coast pursuing his career as a Video Editor.

He has been a Twitch Streamer since May of 2020.

In August 2021, Dan was interviewed by The Washington Post regarding internet trolling, hate crimes and harassment he has been experiencing due to his involvement with the #TwitchDoBetter movement. Please report any malicious activity or smearing of SIMooligan's / Dan's name. For more infromation, or if you are a victim of hate crimes and hate raids, please visit for report forms and anti-hate raid tools.

Sims Community

Dan is currently active and managing a community Discord Server known as "The Simooli Fam". Visit for his creations, and community updates.

Connect with Simooligan


-Visit Simooligan on Twitch

-Visit Simooligan on Twitter

-Visit Simooligan on Instagram

-Visit Simooligan on Ko-Fi

-Visit Simooligan on YouTube

-Visit Simooligan on ModTheSims.Info

Defunct Community Sites

-Simooligan's Sims2 SimPage

-The Sims 2 Sanctuary



-Simooligan-Studios Website

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