Sims 3:CAS Part Flags
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Contents |
By Atavera (additions by Delphy & simsmx)
Flags for the CAS parts. Used by:
Sims 3:0x034AEECB - CAS Part Data - CASP Sims 3:0x0358B08A - Face Part - FACE Sims 3:0x062C8204 - Clothing Part - BBLN
[0x00000001] = Hair [0x00000002] = Scalp [0x00000004] = Face Overlay [0x00000008] = Body [0x00000010] = Accessory
Age, Species, Gender and Handedness
Age Flags
One byte:
[0x01] = Baby [0x02] = Toddler [0x04] = Child [0x08] = Teen [0x10] = Young Adult [0x20] = Adult [0x40] = Elder [0x80] = -
Species / Gender
One byte, split into two.
Species Value
Low four bits:
[0x1] = Human [0x2] = Horse [0x3] = Cat [0x4] = Dog [0x5] = LittleDog [0x6] = Deer [0x7] = Raccoon
Gender Flags
High four bits:
[0x1] = Male [0x2] = Female [0x4] = - [0x8] = -
Handedness Flags
Not clear... currently deemed two bytes...
[0x0010] = LeftHanded [0x0020] = RightHanded [0x0040] = - [0x0080] = -
Clothing Category
Value | Description |
0x00000000 | None |
0x00000001 | Naked |
0x00000002 | Everyday |
0x00000004 | Formalwear |
0x00000008 | Sleepwear |
0x00000010 | Swimwear |
0x00000020 | Athletic |
0x00000040 | Singed |
0x00000080 | MartialArts |
0x00000100 | Career |
0x00000200 | FireFighting |
0x00000400 | Makeover |
0x00000800 | SkinnyDippingTowel |
0x00001000 | Racing |
0x00002000 | Jumping |
0x00004000 | Bridle |
0x00007000 | Markings (non-Horse) |
0x0007FFFF | CategoryMask |
0x00100000 | ValidForMaternity |
0x00200000 | ValidForRandom |
0x00400000 | IsHat |
0x00800000 | IsRevealing |
0x01000000 | IsHiddenInCAS |
0x02000000 | RegionHead |
0x04000000 | RegionChest |
0x06000000 | RegionBelly |
0x08000000 | RegionBack |
0x0A000000 | RegionTail |
0x0C000000 | RegionFrontLeftLeg |
0x0E000000 | RegionFrontRightLeg |
0x10000000 | RegionRearLeftLeg |
0x12000000 | RegionRearRightLeg |
0x14000000 | RegionAll |
0x1E000000 | RegionMask |
0xFFFFFFFF | All |