Tutorials:TS4 Object Tutorials
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Sims 4 Object Creation Tutorials
General Info
- Components of an EA object Documentation going over the resources in an EA object.package.
- How to find the definition ID of Maxis objects the easy way
- THUM 0x16CA6BC4 / TMLT 0xB0118C15 thumbnail resources
- CSV list of IDs, names, and tuning names and IDs of objects (DarkWalker)
- Finding Maxis string and object IDs
Object Editing & Recoloring
Look for the Beginner tutorials which detail everything for absolute beginners.
- Start to Finish Object Tutorials for Absolute Beginners by orangemittens at sims4studio.
This is a 5 star beginners tutorial.
- How to convert a Sims 2 object to Sims 4 by Orangemittens at S4S
- How to create a custom(ized) catalog object
- Custom Harvestables: An overview
- Create a Custom Painting - Video Tutorial by Bakie
- Create Custom Wall Stickers - Video Tutorial by Bakie
- Recolor an Object Using Sims 4 Studio - Learn to create a new standalone recolor of an EA object.
- Components of an EA Object - Learn what makes up an object .package and what all those resources do.
- Merge Multiple Object Recolors Into One Catalog Entry
- How to Merge Multiple .packages Into a Single .package
- Resize an EA Rug and Change Its Footprint To Match
- Change Comfort & Other Scores of a Bed - Learn to change the tuning & catalog entry of an object.
- Make an Unbuyable Object Buyable - Especially useful for EA's debug items.
- Make Locked Objects Buyable Without Earning the Achievement - Make your recolors of EA's "career achievement" locked items buyable for all Sims.
- Remove the Shine From an Object Recolor - Learn to easily edit an object's specular image to remove shininess where you don't want it.
- Change Comfort & Other Scores of a Sims 4 Bed - Learn how to change the tuning of one object so it has the tuning of a different object.
Tutorials by Category | |
CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding |