Merge Multiple .Packages

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This TS4 tutorial will show you how to merge CAS .packages that have the same mesh but have different Normals, Diffuse, Speculars, etc.
Useful for when a CAS item has many recolors but small details are different and have different normals.

There are two methods you can use:

Using Sims4Studio

This example shows 3 meshes that are identical meshes but have differences in the normals and diffuse maps. Why clutter up CAS. Let's merge them into one package. CAS-strawberry.png

  • Open the Sims4Studio Main Menu
  • Click 'Content Management'
  • Select 'Merge Packages'


  • Drag and drop your packages into the 'Merge Packages' pop-up window.


  • S4s will show the numbers of packages that were successfully merged.


  • Give the combined package file a new filename and save.


  • Remove your old meshes from your Mods folder and Test your new combined package in-game.

Does CAS have Multiple recolors of the same item?

  • Open your first package with S4S
  • Go to the warehouse tab
  • Click the CAS Part
  • On the right, Scroll down to find the PrototypeID
  • Copy the n umber that is in the box
  • Open the other package that you would like to appear in CAS under as the same catalog entry
  • Go to each CAS Part in warehouse view and paste the ProtoitypeID number form teh first [package into teh current one.
  • Save your package and test in-game.

(credit_Alistu a.k.a. Menaceman44)

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CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 

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