Sims 3 Content List:Anime and Video Games
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Anime and Games:
Sims 3 Anime Finds is an extensive database of both anime and video game finds.
Ace of Diamond (Daiya no A)
- Anime Baseball Shirts (Teen Boys) By ProwlerTylo
- Ace of Diamond Baseball Uniforms By PTylo
Air Gear
- Air Gear Jackets By ProwlerTylo
Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin
- 3D Maneuver Gear by Bakeshi and CSitaly
- Bandana by CSitaly
- Eren's Titan Jaw by CSitaly
- Hanji's Glasses and Hanji's Goggles by Sakura Sims
- Levi's Cleaning Bandanas by icebox
- Survey Corps emblem as tattoo by undergroundsims
- Survey Corps emblem as tattoo by Noah (XCAS mod required)
- Annie's Hair by kewaii-dou
- Armin's Hair by YSstudio
- Erwin's Hair by Bakeshi
- Jean's Hair by YSstudio
- Levi's Hair by kewaii-dou
- Mike's Hair by Bakeshi
- Nanaba's Hair by Bakeshi
- Nile's Hair by Bakeshi
- Jacket Uniforms for AF, (2), AM, (2), TF, and TM by Sakura Sims
- Adult Male Uniform with Bolo Tie by Sakura Sims
- Adult Male Uniform without Jacket (2) by Sakura Sims
- Boots for AF, AM, TF, and TM by Sakura Sims
- Boots for Adult Female and Adult Male by YSstudio
- Robes by Bakeshi
Character Specific Clothes
- Annie's Uniform by Sakura Sims
- Armin's Uniform (2) by YSstudio
- Bertolt's, Coney's, and Reiner's Uniforms (2) by YSstudio
- Eren's Uniform as Adult or Teen by Sakura Sims
- Eren's Uniform (2) by YSstudio
- Jean and Marco's Uniforms (2) by YSstudio
- Misaka's Uniform as Adult or Teen by Sakura Sims
- Misaka's Adult Uniform by YSstudio
- Levi's Jacket by Bakeshi
- Levi's Uniform by Sakura Sims and YSstudio
- Ymir's uniform by YSstudio
- Flags and Tapestries by Bakeshi
- Titan Skin by icebox
Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Wall Stickers by ProwlerTylo
- Grimmjow Jaegerjaque's Jaw by Rakime
- Byakuya Kuchiki's Kenseikan by ProwlerTylo
- Ulquiorra Mask by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms Blazer by ProwlerTylo
Code Geass
- School Uniforms (Teen Boys)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms (Child)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms (YA/A)by ProwlerTylo
- Lelouch and Jeremiah Geass Eyes By ProwlerTylo
D. Gray-Man
- David/Tyki Facial Item By ProwlerTylo
Death Note
- Misa hair by kewaii-dou
Devil May Cry
- Trish by Slipslop (MTS)
- Kat's Hair from Devil May Cry by Aikea-Guinea
- Devil May Cry Boots by Captial Sims
- Devil May Cry Texture Conversion by Simtastical
- DmC Dante's hair, Kat's hoodie, Dante Sim, Vergil Sim, Devil May Cry 4 Colums conversion from sims 2 to sims 3, Dante's wifebeater shirt, Devil May Cry 4 Durante Lamps, Rebellion Sword Accessory and Deco by various creators on
Disney/Dreamworks/Pixar animation movies
- Wonderland (no cc) by ricky (MTS)
- Faity Fantasy Collection by wolfspryte
- Mad Hatter Table & Chair by Veritas aka KG
- Wonderland Collection (store)
- Bedroom Cartoon by Pilar
- Bedroom for children by Pilar
- Kidsroom ~ Micky Mouse by dorosimfan1
- The Magical Forest by Pilar
- The Magical Forest 2 by Pilar
- Alice Dining Set by Cyclonesue
- Decorative giant mushrooms by sims_reality (MTS)
- DOTY Round 2 -Alice in Wonderland Kitchen & Dining Room Paintings by SandyMDH
- Princess Pea Chair Mesh by DOT
- Fantasy Pose Pack - For your mythically magical ladies by traelia (MTS)
- fantasy poses by Silvia
- mermaid poses by Silvia
- Posepack for Island Paradise mermaids by Silvia
- Mermaids & Nymphs Pose Pack by JuBa_0oº (MTS)
- Vidia Hair 006 by Catcorp
- Rabbit Ear accessory by Newsea
- White Rabitt Dress & Hat as Accesory by Shokoninio
- Decorative Mickey and Minnie's Accessory Hat by Jenni
- Mickey Mouse Ears by Munggom
- Minnie Mouse Hair Accessory by Juzhitu
- Mickey Mouse Ears by Mianna
- Mickey Mouse sneakers - male by modish-kitten
- Mickey Mouse sneakers - female by modish-kitten
- Accessory Cheshire Cat by CSitaly
- Jack Frosts Staff by Shokoninio
- Jack Frost Hoodie by Shokoninio
- "Little Mermaid" tails updated for Island Paradise by Silvia
- As Mad As a Hatter ~ Daislia's Hat Conversion by Anubis360 (MTS)
- The Mad Hatter's Hat by Sam
- Dress Hat Accessory by Newsea
- Dante Hair Conversion By ProwlerTylo
- Jack Frost & Elsa the Snow Queen by The Sims 3 Journal
- Maleficent from Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty by Silvia
- Wicked Queen from Walt Disney's "Snow White and the seven dwarfs" by Silvia
- Snow White and her Prince by Slilvia
- The main characters from Walt Disney's "The Little Mermaid" by Silvia
- Disney's Tarzan: Great Explorer by Claeric (MTS)
- Alice (from Alice in Wonderland) by Anubis 360 (MTS)
- Disney couples: The Little Mermaid by Licia21 (MTS)
- Disney couples: Beauty and the Beast by Licia21 (MTS)
Dragon Ball
- Saiyajin's Armor at Simiversity
- Goku's Outfit at Simiversity
- Vegeta's Bad Man Shirt at Simiversity
- Vegeta & Goku's hair by Jasumi (Lost Utopia)
- Krillin's Moxibustion Burns By ProwlerTylo
Dragon Quest
- Healslime: by sugichaco (SugiLog) (site down)
- Slime: by sugichaco (SugiLog) (site down)
- Slime rug: by sugichaco (SugiLog) (site down)
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Arch Mage's Robes by murfeelee
- Bandit, Forsworn, and Tsun Armor by murfeelee
- Blade's Armor by murfeelee
- Daedric Armor (Male) by murfeelee
- Deadric (Female) and Ebony Mail Armor by murfeelee
- Dragonscale Armor by murfeelee
- Dark Brotherhood Armor by murfeelee
- Iron Armor by murfeelee
- Jester Clothes by murfeelee
- Nightingale Armor by murfeelee
- Stormcloak and Jarl Cloaks by murfeelee
- Vampire Armor Vampire Lord by murfeelee
- Converted Object Set 1 2 by Granny Zaza
- Converted Accessories, Clothes, and Objects by murfeelee
- Object Set by Ladesire
- Object Set by Syren at 13th Sim
- Object Set by toxicbarbye
- Converted Objects by toxxicrose
- LeiRE hair by kewaii-dou
- Leierei hair by kewaii-dou
Fairy Tail
- Guild emblem tattoos by Noah :
- Fairy Tail
- Blue Pegasus
- Cait Shelter
- Lamia Scale
- Phantom Lord
- Oración Seis
- Grimoire Heart
- Quatro Cerberus
- Crime Sorcière
- Mermaid Heel
- Raven Tail
- Sabertooth
- Zentopia church / Legion corps
Final Fantasy
- Final Fantasy series:
- Capes: by guidion (MTS)
- Chef hat: (freckledfemlock)
- Fantasy accessories: by Snake Legs
- Fantasy boots:
- Mage staff: (Sims by Severinka)
- Moogle backpack: (Mai Pham)
- Moogle nose: by Jennifer (Jennisims)
- Moogle on the head: by Tudart
- Moogle wings: KEWAI-DOU (1), KEWAI-DOU (2)
- Final Fantasy II:
- Rose in the mouth or hand: by Jennifer (Jennisims), or by Jennifer (Jennisims)
- Final Fantasy VII:
- Angel wings: mitarasi sims Simblr
- Apple: Tudart
- Bandage on forehead: by Irink@a (The Sims 3 Stuff by Irink@a), by momo_ka ( ろせうむ ) (18+)
- Bandage set: (Sims by Severinka)
- Buster Sword: by DarkWitchVampire's Sims
- Evan's hat: by Jennifer (Jennisims)
- First Tsurugi (in hand): by CloudWalkerNZ
- First Tsurugi (on back): by CloudWalkerNZ
- Gun: (Sims by Severinka)
- Hand bandages (female): (Sims by Severinka)
- Hand bandages (male): (Sims by Severinka)
- Knitted cowls: NewSea
- Masamune: by Rose Sims, by namama (Casa N3)
- Metal arm: by Arisuka (MTS)
- Reno's goggles: by mimu (Guru@Guru) (removed)
- Rude's sunglasses: by mimu (Guru@Guru) (removed)
- Rude's talon/claw gauge ear piercing: by leahlillith (Born To Raise Hell) (18+)
- Tifa's shoes: by Labyrinth (Pfotis Corner)
- Final Fantasy X:
- Coat accessory (Auron): momo sims
- FFX Bomb accessory: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFX Ifrit Horns as Accessories: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFX Shiva Accessories Miniset (Shiva outfit, dreadlocks accessory, skirt/tail accessory, ice bracelet): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFX Yojimbo Zanmato: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFX Yuna Staves (Default, Nirvana): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Final Fantasy CAS File Dumps Pt1 (Kimahri's top & hair as acc): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Final Fantasy CAS File Dumps Pt1 (Paine's default sword & outfit): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Full length wedding veil: (Cloudwalker Sims)
- Goggles: by Jennifer (Jennisims)
- Paine's boots: Bring Me Victory Sims
- Final Fantasy VIII:
- Cowboy hat (funnyycats conversion): by PTylo (PTylo's This and That + Sims)
- Final Fantasy XII:
- FFXII Caduceus Stave as ACC: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFXII Royal Diadem as ACC (King Raminas): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- The Undying's wings: DreamWorld
- Final Fantasy XIII:
- Chocobo chick: by SnakeLegs, KEWAI-DOU
- Hope's boots: by Rayne (Rayne's Factory)
- Lightning's necklace: ShaTsai
- Moogle/Mog on the head: by Tudart
- Sazh's boots: ShaTsai (male), ShaTsai (female)
- Serah's boots: by Daisy Sims 3
- Snow & Serah's necklaces: by Daisy Sims 3
- Snow's boots: by Bring Me Victory Sims
- Vanille's boots : by Daisy Sims 3
- Vanille's earrings: ShaTsai, ShaTsai (fixed)
- Final Fantasy series:
- Chocobo kawaii shirt: by Kilhian
- FF Mascots T-Shirt Collection: by shizuki (C/d) (site down), or by shizuki (C/d)
- Moogle T-Shirts: by Adele_SimMaker (removed)
- Final Fantasy VII:
- Aerith's dress: by namama (Casa N3)
- Cloud's outfit:
- by namama (TS3 Exchange Blog) (removed) or
- by namama (Casa N3)
- by oodsregic (Thai The Sims 3) (removed) or
- by oodsregic (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Cloud sweater: (Rusty's Diary)
- Reno top: by peacemaker-ic (Peace's Place)
- Reno Turk suit untucked: by aikea-guinea (Garden of Shadows)
- Rufus' outfit: by kimu412 (SIMPLESTUDIO404) (18+)
- SOLDIER outfit set: by namama (TS3 Exchange Blog) (removed), or by namama (Casa N3)
- Tifa's outfit: by DarkNighTt (TSR)
- Tifa's shorts: by Labyrinth (Pfotis Corner)
- Tifa's top: by Labyrinth (Pfotis Corner)
- Turks suit: (Rusty's Diary)
- Final Fantasy VIII:
- Quistis' outfit: by ierleon
- Final Fantasy X:
- FFX Shiva outfit: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFX-2 Paine’s Outfit Modified Top ONLY: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Final Fantasy CAS File Dumps Pt1 (Kimahri's top & hair as acc): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Final Fantasy CAS File Dumps Pt1 (Paine's default sword & outfit): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Yuna's dress and earrings: by oodsregic (Thai The Sims 3)
- Final Fantasy XI:
- FFXI Logo & Character T-shirt sets: by Syren (The 13th Sim)
- Final Fantasy XII:
- Cactoid T-Shirt: by Killc*a (MTS)
- FFXII Vaan Hair Redone, and Outfit: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Final Fantasy XIII:
- FFXIII Layered Tees For Teens: by jezebel_the_nun
- FFXIII-2 shirt: by Lone
- Serah's outfit: by Daisy Sims 3
- Snow's 'Lightning Returns' trenchcoat: (Between Two Points)
- Final Fantasy XIV:
- FFXIV Logo T-shirt: by Syren (The 13th Sim)
- Final Fantasy VII:
- Cat-like eyes:
- Final Fantasy X:
- Al Bhed contacts: by Omegastarr (Cupcakes Taste Like Violence), by ribbon
- Two Different Colour Eyes: by EsmeraldaF (MTS), KEWAI-DOU
- Final Fantasy XIII:
- Jihl's eyes: ShaTsai
- Lightning contacts: BlackBerryCake
- Serah contacts: BlackBerryCake
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII:
- Noctis Lucis eyes v1: by Lone
Facial Hair
- Final Fantasy VII:
- Reno's eyebrows: by mimu (Guru@Guru) (removed), or by Guru@Guru (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Final Fantasy VII:
- Aerith's hair: by Rose Sims
- Cissnei's hair: by Rose Sims ($$$), by YU (NewSea)
- Cloud's hair (medrops conversion):
- Cloud's hair (Raonjena conversion): by oodsregic (Thai The Sims 3)
- Cloud's hair for females (medrops conversion by JulieAlesha): by Robodl95 (Look It's a Plumbob Over My Head!)
- Denzel hair: by Kijiko ('Flipping Out' a.k.a. 'MaineCoon')
- Elena's hair: by Rose Sims ($$$), by Rose Sims ($$$)
- Elena's hair (Rose Sims conversion): by Sávio (Savio's Stuff)
- Kadaj's hair: (Rainy Drops), Kewai-Dou
- Loz hair: by Cazy ($$$), by Lapiz Lazuli (Lapiz's Scrapyard)
- Reno's hair:
- Rude - Truly Bald Hair: by HystericalParoxysm (MTS)
- Rufus' hair:
- Sephiroth's hair: (mio0331 conversion):
- Tifa's hair: by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Tseng's hair: by Rose Sims
- Vincent's hair: by PeggyZone ($$$)
- Vincent's hair (SephirothScars conversion): by oodsregic (Thai The Sims 3) (removed), or by oodsregic (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Yuffie's hair (Peggy remesh): by oodsregic (Thai The Sims 3) (removed), or by oodsregic (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Zack's SOLDIER 1st Class hair: (DaisySims3/Ginko), (Plumb-bombs) (DaisySims3/Ginko retexture)
- Zack's SOLDIER 2nd Class hair (8kSIMS conversion): by MAN -V- (K-POP) (scroll down to find download link)
- Final Fantasy X:
- Gippal's hair: by PeggyZone ($$$)
- Rikku's FFX-2 hair: by Rose Sims
- Rikku's FFX-2 hair fixed: by aikea guinea (Misery Inspires) (18+)
- Tidus' hair:
- Yuna's hair:
- by NewSea
- by Rose Sims
- by Rose Sims ($$$)
- by Rose Sims ($$$)
- Yuna's hair (Rose Sims conversions): by Sávio (Savio's Stuff), by Sávio (Savio's Stuff)
- Final Fantasy XII:
- Balthier hair: by Cazy ($$$), by Lapiz Lazuli (Lapiz's Scrapyard)
- Fran hair: by Juice (NewSea)
- FFXII Vaan Hair (BETA) - Y/A Male: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFXII Vaan Hair Redone, and Outfit: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Final Fantasy XIII:
- Lightning's hair: Irida-Sims
- Sazh's hair: by melodie9 (MTS)
- Serah's hair: by Anto (CoolSims), by PeggyZone ($$$)
- Snow's hair: by oodsregic (Thai The Sims 3) (removed), by PeggySims (Dec. 2009 Special Gift)
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII:
- Final Fantasy VII:
- Reno's cheek marks: by mimu (Guru@Guru) (removed), or by Guru@Guru (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Yuffie's headband: by oodsregic (Thai The Sims 3) (removed), or by oodsregic (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Zack's scar: by namama (TS3 Exchange Blog) (removed), or by namama (Casa N3)
- Final Fantasy X:
- Al Bhed contacts: by Omega (Cupcakes Taste Like Violence)
- Final Fantasy VII:
- Cloudy Wolf tattoo: by alleylee
- Meteor tattoo: by alleylee
- One-winged tattoo: by kuroibara666
- Final Fantasy VIII:
- Zell's face tattoo: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Final Fantasy X:
- FFX Yojimbo shoulder tattoo: by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Jecht's Tattoo: by Shivar (Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher)
- Yuna watercolor art tattoo: by alleylee
- Zanarkand Abes symbol tattoo: by alleylee
- Final Fantasy XII:
- Exodus Esper tattoo: by alleylee
- Ultima Esper tattoo: by alleylee
- Final Fantasy XIII:
- l'Cie Brand: by Delphi-chan (MTS)
- Final Fantasy VII:
- SOLDIER career: by OtakuFan17 (MTS)
- Final Fantasy VIII:
- SeeD career: by OtakuFan17 (MTS)
- Final Fantasy series:
- Airship home: by Jank Falcon (Garden of Shadows) (1), Jank Falcon at Garden of Shadows (2)
- Cactuar house: by Moginabox (TS3 Exchange)
- Final Fantasy Castle: by mixa97sr (MTS)
- Houseboat fantasy airship (flies over the sea): by Sophia.S.W (Star Aura)
- Moogle house: by Moginabox (TS3 Exchange)
- The Zephyr Falcon: A Fantasy Airship: by Shoosh Malooka (MTS)
- Final Fantasy:
- Cornelia Village: by whoden (MTS)
- Final Fantasy VII:
- 7th Heaven: by Pasithea (TS3 Exchange) (removed)
- Aerith's house: by Animaga (TS3 Exchange), by Dodie (TS3 Exchange)
- Costa del Sol Bar: by beebeeboo
- Shinra Manor:
Default Replacements
- Fantasy moon: by mahamudo (MTS)
- Tropical Aurora lighting mods: (amberpuggle Sims)
- Final Fantasy series:
- Ambitions Junk Piles as Coin Piles: by Murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Cactuar: by namama (TS3 Exchange Blog) (removed), or by namama (Casa N3)
- Chick: (Sims2-feeEssen)
- Chocobo: by Ilana (форума Sims 3 Modeli)
- Chocobo (FF Action Figures - Chocobo): by Lone
- Chocobo skeleton: by Jennifer (Jennisims), or by Jennifer (Jennisims Blogspot)
- Crystal as lighting: by Murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Custom Virtual Reality Game: Fantasy RPG: by Shivar (Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher)
- Fantasy clutter: by twisted FATE (Garden of Shadows)
- FF good guys poster pack: by Catherine (Sims and Dolls) (site down)
- Magic teleporter: by Snake Legs
- Moogle decorative toy (Izzmit conversion): by Sávio (Savio's Stuff)
- Moogle (FF Action Figures - Mog):by Lone
- Moogle/Mog lamps: by みたらし (sims flavor) (site down), or by sims flavor (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Moogle/Mog Late Night FX Machine: by みたらし (sims flavor) (site down), or by sims flavor (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Swords deco: by Jennifer (Jennisims)
- Final Fantasy IV:
- Super Famicom FFIV set: by kimu412 (SIMPLESTUDIO404)
- Final Fantasy VII:
- Advent Children art pails: (Studio 404)
- Angel statues:
- Banora White apple replacement: by Syera (Bogsims Institute)
- Black and white feathers: by twisted FATE (Garden of Shadows)
- Cloud body pillow: (Studio 404)
- Coffin set: (Sims by Severinka)
- Compilation posters: (Chappy Sims)
- Jenova: black-le
- Reno painting: by speedcat (Speedcat_and_The_Sims3)
- Shalua bio-capsule: (Sims by Severinka)
- Snowboard deco: Jennifer at Jennisims, or Jennifer at Jennisims
- Final Fantasy VIII:
- FF8 poster pack: by Catherine (Sims and Dolls) (site down)
- Final Fantasy X:
- FFX Beastly Burdens Pt1 (Coeurl, Dragon, Evil Eye): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFX Beastly Burdens Pt2 - Aeons as Decor (Valefor, Ixion, Anima, Magic Pot, Bomb, Bomb accessory): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFX deco PSP: (everlasting-garden)
- FFX Decor Miniset Pt1 (Aeon Seal wall stencils, FFX deco as rugs and coffee tables): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFX Decor Miniset Pt2 (Fayth rugs, Yevon rugs, Chamber of the Fayth walls): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFX Decor Miniset Pt3 (FFX wall art, Pushable Pedestal for WA): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFX game case deco: by metisqueen
- FFX Yojimbo Miniset (Daigoro as deco, Yojimbo shoulder tattoo, Yojimbo Zanmato): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Tidus & Yuna Painting: by Freemousse
- Yuna poster: by Ticiane (Ticis2's Sims 3 CC)
- Final Fantasy XI:
- FFXI art: by Syren (The 13th Sim)
- FFXI Moogle & Friends art: by Syren (The 13th Sim)
- Tarutaru decorative toys (cassandre conversion): by Sunhair (Sunhair Sim's Creations) (site down)
- Final Fantasy XII:
- FFXII Decor Dump Pt1 (Urn, Clutter, & Old Dalan’s Hookah and Lap Bunny): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFXII Denizen Decor (Bangaa, Ba’Gamaan Bangaa, Seeq, Armored Chocobo, Plain Chocobo): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFXII Flowers - Miniset (Galbana Lilies, Blue Flower, Purple Flower): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFXII Hares as Decor Miniset (Giza Hare, Fury, Vorpal Bunny, Feywood Mu): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- FFXII Moogles (Moogle Mage, Moogling Post, Montblanc): by murfeelee (The Faery's Gifts)
- Final Fantasy XIII:
- FF13 wall stickers: by simhelaene
- Lightning poster: by Ticiane (Ticis2's Sims 3 CC), (Chappy Sims)
- Moogle (FF Action Figures - Mog): by Lone
- Moogle/Mog lamps: by みたらし (sims flavor) (site down), or by sims flavor (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Moogle/Mog Late Night FX Machine: by みたらし (sims flavor) (site down), or by sims flavor (Sims 3 Anime Finds)
- Snow poster: by Devirose
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII:
- Noctis art: by Syren (The 13th Sim)
- Final Fantasy XIV:
- FFXIV Hanging Pictures: by Syren (The 13th Sim)
- Chocobo: by Devil Cloud (Fantasy LostWorld)
- Chocobo Noël: by Devil Cloud (Fantasy LostWorld)
- Final Fantasy series:
- Fantasy Pose Pack: (traelia's pose place)
- Final Fantasy females pose pack: by Lynette (!_lynette) (site down)
- Lantern & pose: (Sims by Severinka)
- Final Fantasy VII:
- Aerith praying to Holy: (traelia's pose place)
- Apple poses: by Lilit (Flight of fancy)
- Apple poses accessory apple: Tudart
- Cloud and Zack Buster Sword poses: by CloudWalkerNZ (MTS)
- Reno poses: (SIMNIMU), Peace's Place
- Weapon on the shoulder poses: Peace's Place
- Final Fantasy XIII:
- Serah Pose Pack: by Mimoto (BlackBerryCake)
- Final Fantasy VIII:
- Angelo: by Kitty_Paine (TS3 Exchange)
- Final Fantasy series:
Fruits Basket
- Hatsuharu Sohma Chaps By ProwlerTylo
FullMetal Alchemist
- Homonculus' Ouroboros tattoo by Noah
- Riza Hawkeye's tattoo by Noah
- Scar's tattoos by Noah
Full Metal Panic
- School Uniforms (Teen Boys)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms (Child)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms (YA/A)by ProwlerTylo
Gakuen Heaven
- Gakuen Heaven Uniform at Simiversity
- Shinsengumi Shirt/Vest No Jacket at PTylo's This and That Sims Blog
- Shinsengumi 'Inspired' Jacket at PTylo's This and That Sims Blog
Girls Bravo
- School Uniforms (Teen Boys)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms (Child)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms (YA/A)by ProwlerTylo
- Gungrave Chaps By ProwlerTylo
Hakuoki: Shinsengumi Kitan
- Hakuoki: Shinsengumi Kitan Western Outfits by ProwlerTylo
- Priest Outfit-Alexander Anderson Inspired by ProwlerTylo
- Hair curls, rose, Iron Cross, England's eyebrows by Snake Legs
- Various uniforms and outfits by Tesi
- Cole MacGrath's tattoos from inFAMOUS 2 by Noah (XCAS mod required)
Initial D
- Anime T-Shirts-Stance Shirt By ProwlerTylo
Iron Man
- Tony Stark's House by BartholomewMaximillian (MTS)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
- Leviathan (Levi) Of Katekyo Hitman Reborn Facial Hair by ProwlerTylo
- Chrome Dokuro from KHR Future Arc Suit Jacketby ProwlerTylo
- Baseball Set YA/A Females By ProwlerTylo
- I-Pin Chinese Style Outfit By ProwlerTylo
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn Rings By ProwlerTylo
- Reborn Curly Sideburns By ProwlerTylo
- Iemitsu Sawada Facial Hair By ProwlerTylo
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn Facial Items By ProwlerTylo
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn Arm Items By ProwlerTylo
- Bianchi from Katekyo Hitman Reborn Tank Tops By ProwlerTylo
- Anime Baseball Shirts (Teen Girls) By ProwlerTylo
- Anime Baseball Shirts (Teen Boys) By ProwlerTylo
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn Varia Outfits (Male) By ProwlerTylo
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn Belphegor Varia Shirt By ProwlerTylo
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn Varia Jacket (Teen Females) By ProwlerTylo
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn Varia Outfits (Female) By ProwlerTylo
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn Scars By ProwlerTylo
- Namimori School Uniforms (Female) By ProwlerTylo
- Lambo's Facial Marks from Katekyo Hitman Reborn By ProwlerTylo
- Namimori School Uniforms (Male) By ProwlerTylo
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn Sweater Uniforms By ProwlerTylo
- Dino's Jacket By ProwlerTylo
- Black Spell & White Spell Uniforms By ProwlerTylo
- Varia Shirt By ProwlerTylo
- Kokuyo Uniform By ProwlerTylo
- Anime Tattoo Accessory-Spanner and Dinoby ProwlerTylo
- Chikusa Facial Item By ProwlerTylo
- Kokuyo School Uniform Teen Female (Chrome/MM Version) By ProwlerTylo
- Xanxus Inspired Chest Scar By ProwlerTylo
- Mukuro Rokudo Six Path's Different Eye Accessory By ProwlerTylo
- Reborn/Lambo Suit for Toddlers By ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms Blazer YA/Adult Male and Femaleby ProwlerTylo
- Hibari's Diciplinary Committee Accessory by ProwlerTylo
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn Baseball Uniforms By PTylo
Kingdom Hearts
- Axel's chakrams: by Rose Sims
- Chain bracelets: by Jennifer (Jennisims)
- Cheshire Cat head hat & earrings: by Jennifer (Jennisims)
- Eyepatch for Xigbar:
- Jack Skellington earrings: by Jennifer (Jennisims)
- Key necklace: by Jennifer (Jennisims)
- Keyblades equipped on back or hand: by CloudwalkerNZ (CloudwalkerNZ's Sim 3 blog)
- Kingdom Key Keyblade (Sora's and King Mickey's): by Sarah3120
- Maleficent shoes: by MrAntonieddu (MA$ims3)
- Minnie ear hat: by Jennifer (Jennisims)
- Oblivion and Oathkeeper: by SR (SR's Deep Thoughts)
- Sora's Kingdom Key: by SR (SR's Deep Thoughts)
- Tron disc accessory: (black-le)
- Two Across Keyblade: by Sarah3120
- Belle's dress: by fabysims (Jennisims)
- Cid's shirt with haramaki: by ProwlerTylo (The Wilds)
- Organization XIII coats: by nativism (YouTube) (click 'Show more')
- Roxas' outfit: (Crestie's Creations)
- Sora and Riku Dream Drop Distance Outfits: (Crestie's Creations)
- Bright Fantasy Contacts: Inspired by Kingdom Hearts: by Shivar (Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher)
- Fantasy contacts: by ribbon
- Kingdom Hearts Eyes (Defaults and Contacts): by Sarah3120 (MTS)
- Axel's hair: (Kitty Paine re-uploaded), or by Kitty Paine (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Demyx's hair: (JulieAlesha re-uploaded), or by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Kairi's KH1 hair: JulieAlesha (MTS) (removed), Kewai-Dou
- Kairi's KH2 hair: (JulieAlesha re-uploaded), or by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Larxene's hair: (JulieAlesha re-uploaded), or by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Lexaeus' hair: (JulieAlesha re-uploaded), or by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Luxord's hair: (JulieAlesha re-uploaded), or by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Marluxia's hair: (Kitty Paine re-uploaded), or by Kitty Paine (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Naminé's hair: (JulieAlesha re-uploaded), or by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Olette hair: (Yoojaek) (password to unzip file : 沙耶 )
- Riku's hair:
- (JulieAlesha re-uploaded) or
- by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- by TeacupKitty (Garden of Shadows) (medrops conversion) (link down)
- by Kijiko (White Toyger)
- by Kijiko (Shaggy Long/Ragamuffin)
- by Kijiko (Shaggy Long/Ragamuffin flipped)
- by remaron (R2M Creations) (Kijiko Shaggy Long/Ragamuffin resized)
- Roxas' hair:
- Saïx's hair:
- Sora's hair: (JulieAlesha re-uploaded), or by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Sora's hair (medrops conversion): by TeacupKitty (Garden of Shadows) (link down)
- Vexen's hair: (Kitty Paine re-uploaded), or by Kitty Paine (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Xaldin's hair: (JulieAlesha re-uploaded), or by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Xemnas' hair: (JulieAlesha re-uploaded), or by JulieAlesha (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Xigbar hair: by Ambular (MATY) (18+), by nativism (YouTube) (click 'Show more')
- Zexion's hair: (Kitty Paine re-uploaded), or by Kitty Paine (Sims 3 Anime Finds) (all JulieAlesha & Kitty Paine's KH hairs, except Kairi's KH1)
- Axel's Facial Marks (Simgirl24 Conversion): by ProwlerTylo (PTylo's This and That Sims Blog)
- Saïx's Scar (Simgirl24 Conversion): by ProwlerTylo (PTylo's This and That Sims Blog)
- Xigbar's Scar (Sunfish conversion): by ProwlerTylo (PTylo's This and That Sims Blog)
- Kingdom Hearts Tattoos: by Erhama (The Radiant Garden) (link down)
- Remade Kingdom Hearts Tattoos: by Erhama (The Radiant Garden) (link down), or by Erry (MTS)
Default Replacements
- Bright Disney-esque lighting mod: by brntwaffles (Let Them Eat Burnt Waffles)
- Beast's Castle: by fabysims (Jennisims), or by fabysims (Jennisims' Blogspot)
- Beast's enchanted rose: GIGO (Garbage in, garbage out) (table lamp), (Sims by Severinka)
- Cloud & Eeyore painting - I Know That Feel Bro (Always Kinda Emo): by Simming in the Corner (18+)
- Disney characters:
- by Jennifer (Jennisims) (Beast) or
- by Jennifer (Jennisims' Blogspot) (Beast)
- by fabysims (Jennisims) (Beast toy)
- by fabysims (Jennisims) (Flounder & Sebastian splash set) or
- by fabysims (Jennisims' Blogspot) (Flounder & Sebastian splash set)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims) (Flounder) or
- by Jennifer (Jennisims Blogspot) (Flounder)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims) (Bambi, Cheshire Cat, Jack Skellington, Pinocchio, & Pluto)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims' Blogspot) (Bambi)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims' Blogspot) (Cheshire Cat)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims' Blogspot) (Jack Skellington)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims) (Pinnochio) or
- by Jennifer (Jennisims' Blogspot) (Pinnochio)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims) (Donald Duck & Peter Pan) or
- by Jennifer (Jennisims Blogspot) (Donald Duck and Peter Pan)
- by fabysims (Jennisims) (100 Acre Wood Set) or
- by Faby &Jenny (Jennisims Blogspot) (100 Acre Wood set)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims) (Pluto toy)
- by Jennifer & faby (Jennisims) (Jack Sparrow) or
- by Jennifer & faby (Jennisims' Blogspot) (Jack Sparrow)
- by JENNI (Jennisims' Blogspot) (Belle and Beast statues)
- by Faby & Jenny (Jennisims) (Princess Jasmine lamps)
- by Faby & Jenny (Jennisims) (Christmas Town Jack Skellington)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims) (Belle & Cinderella stereos) or
- by Jenni and Faby (Jennisims) (Belle & Cinderella) or
- by Jenni and Faby (Jennisims Blogspot) (Belle & Cinderella)
- by Jenni & faby (Jennisims) (101 Dalmations stereos)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims) (Mickey Mouse) or
- by Jennifer (Jennisims Blogspot) (Mickey Mouse)
- by Jenni&Faby (Jennisims) (Disney Magic set) or
- by Jenni&Faby (Jennisims Blogspot) (Disney Magic set)
- by Jenny&Faby (Jennisims) (Tinkerbell set)
- by Jennifer (Jennisims) (Sally)
- by Jenny & Faby (Jennisims) (Snow White) or
- by Jenny & Faby (Jennisims) (Snow White)
- by hudy777DeSign (MTS) (Mufasa/Simba, Nala, Scar, Rafiki, Timon, Pumbaa)
- Keyblades on wall: by CloudwalkerNZ (CloudwalkerNZ's Sim 3 blog)
- Keyhole deco: (amr-club)
- Lock and Key Painting (TS3 Store "Through the Spy Glass" collection) KH character recolors: (Simbolism) (18+) (removed)
- Queen Minnie rug: (Jennisims' Blogspot) (removed)
- Struggle Trophy (medrops conversion): by Shivar (Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher)
- Tron cycle: (black-le)
- Riku extended hand pose: (traelia's pose place)
- Sword fighting pose pack: by Seveli
- Tron bike & weapon poses: by Seveli
- Disney pets:
- Eeyore: by Swania (Jennisims) (removed)
- Eeyore (new coat colors): by Swania (Jennisims) (removed)
- Stitch, Goofy, Pluto: by Silvialovessims (Jennisims) (removed)
- Kingdom Hearts series:
Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)
- Ciel Phantomhive Eyes By ProwlerTylo
- Grell's Shoes (bottom right) by Parsimonious
- Odd Eye by kewai-dou
- Eyepatch for Child by kewai-dou
- Eyepatch by meng
- Sebastian & Grell by Alicexin
- Ciel, Sebastian, Grell & Claude by isabelleferrari
- Ciel, Sebastian, Grell & Claude by Alicexin
- Kuroshitsuji poses set by Studio Star Girls
Kuroko no Basuke
- Rakuzan Uniform By ProwlerTylo
Lara Croft
- Lara Croft Guns by MelissaMel
- Lara Croft Leather Cases With and without guns .. + 2 Hand Guns by Bella
- Guns' Holster by Rose
- 4 different holsters with backpack by LiveSims
- Long Ponytail Braided by moschino_K
- 10 Tomb Raider Outfits by dhampir1313 (MTS)
- Tomb Raider Outfit and Necklace by Rayne
- Lara Croft Outfit, Accessories and Makeup by BonaQua (registration required)
- Croft Manor by Lord of Darkness (MTS)
- Croft Manor by Alopex (MTS)
- Lara Croft Manor - HUGE interior, built after the Tomb Raider Legend Manor + "Treasurehunt" minigame! by Slipslop (MTS)
- New Classic Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) by Loverett (MTS)
- Tomb Raider by monca533 (MTS)
- Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Underworld by Rosalie_Q (MTS)
League Of Legends
- Cat's Ears by Rose
- Fox Tail by Rose
- Fantasy Pose Pack - For your mythically magical ladies by traelia (MTS)
Akali - Nurse skin
- Temptation-Nurse Uniform by Chi
Annie - Red Ridding skin
- Red Cloack by Chi
- AMR Hatter Accessories Set by Murfeelee
- The Mad Hatter's Hat by Sam
- Gothic Steampunk Dress by
- Steampunk Boots by Meronin
- Steampunk chokers with lace by agapi_r
- Stalker Set (accessory sniper riffle) by Severinka
- SheJing by Chi
- Medusa Heads and Tail by Silvia
- Gorgon Hair Conversion by Oodsregic (registration required)
- Medusa's Snake Hair by Wicked_sims (MTS)
- Donation hair #000109 by Peggy ($$$)
- Store Hair Retexture for Men by Justin 58
- Battle Axes by Murfeelee
- Halloween Dress by Beo
- Spider Tiara by Beo
- Spider Earrings by Astra
- Spider Necklace by Astra
Fiora - Headmisstress skin
- Irida’s Hair20J retexture by chisimi
- Newsea’s Candice & Lucia edit by tankuz
- Casual Business Dress by NY Girl
- Jimmy Choo Ankle Strap Stiletto 3D Shoes by Anton
- Autoreggenti con Stile stockings by Saratella
- Snappy Necklace by Clio
- Scarf by ShaTsai
- Study Time - Accessory Set by Screaming Mustard
Fiora - Royal Guard skin
- musket by Rose
- Eva Simons Inspired Mohawk by Anton
- Athena Wand by JoJoePeach
- Newsea Iris Female Hairstyle by NewSea
- Summer Casual Set by BTB sims
- Tight Night Outfit by BTB sims
- Cothurnus Boots by Chris Jocker
- Lara Croft Leather Cases With and without guns .. + 2 Hand Guns by Bella
- Guns' Holster by Rose
- 4 different holsters with backpack by LiveSims
- Knee Bandaid Madness by Papercat (MTS)
- Stockings by Club Crimson
Jinx - Mafia skin
- The Dudette Female Conversion of The Duuude Store Hair by Modish Kitten
- Store Hair Retexture by Beaverhausen
- Ice Fruit hairstyle by Newsea ($$$)
- Retro haircuts by Suzannah
- Headband by BuckleySims
- Ruffle Dress (teen) by tifaff7
- Elexis' Ruffle Truffle Dress by Eternila
- Necklace by Frenneshay
- Short Confy Kimonos by Chi
- Asian Beauty - Fan Accessory Set by Elexis (MTS)
- A Fan (fromOLgame) by Ran417
- Chinese Fan Accessory by Newsea
Karma - Sakura skin
- Lu San Jin Hu Clothes by Chi
- Traditional Shimada (store item)
- Hat Evil Knight Female – Converted by The Sims Keys
- Skyrim Accessories Pt2 - Glass Pack by Murfeelee
- staff by Mitsarai
- Mermaid by Chi
- mermaid poses by Silvia
- Posepack for Island Paradise mermaids by Silvia
- Mermaids & Nymphs Pose Pack by JuBa_0oº (MTS)
- Skyrim Telvanni pt3 by Murfeelee
Nidalee - French Maid skin
- Housemaid Dress A by Chi
- Perseus and Medusa by Sylvia
Riven - Battle Bunny skin
- Bunny Hair Acessory by Rose
- Jester, Harlequin – Hair by The Sims Keys
- Skyrim Accessories Pt5 - Draconian by Murfeelee
- Hatsune Miku hair by Cyclo Tripz
- Japanese Formal Dress by Chi
- Skins and Eyes by taty
- Halloween Monster Claws Set by CloudwalkerNZ
- Hat Evil Knight Male – Converted by The Sims Keys
- wings by Rose
- weapons by Rose
- more weapons by Rose
- even more weapons by Rose
- Toolregame Weapons Set 1 by Melissa
- Toolregame Weapons Set 2 by Melissa
- Weapon Conversions by JoJoePeach
- Weapons 1 by Ran417
- Weapons 2 by Ran417
- Equipment I by Ran417
- Equipment II by Ran417
- Equipment III by Ran417
- Equipment IV by Ran417
- Equipment V by Ran417
- Weapons from Aion & Lineage II by Helen
Legend Of Zelda
- Link Hair By JulieAlesha (MTS)
Left 4 Dead
- Ellis' tattoo by Noah (XCAS mod required)
- Francis' tattoos by Noah (XCAS mod required)
- Soubi Beloved Scar By ProwlerTylo
Marvel Characters
- Wheelchair Poses by spladoum (MTS)
- Wheelchair by Skeletal Screams
- All Access set by BuffSumm
- Thor mjolnir by ghostsyj
- Deadpool skin by SmoofedUp
- Iron Man costume by ghostsyj
- Iron Man mask as hat by ghostsyj
- Captain America costume by ghostsyj
- Retexture of NewSea's Equinoxe by Katty
- Wolverine Beard by OliverLastra23
- Halloween monster claws set by CloudwalkerNZ
- Wolverine hair, outfit and facial hair makeup by Helen82
- 3 Fantasy Eyes as Contacts by Esmeralda (MTS)
- Glowing Eyes by Esmeralda (MTS)
- Glowing Wraparound Cyber Glasses by Esmeralda (MTS)
- Cyborg Visor with Recolourable Glow-In-The-Dark Lens by Esmeralda (MTS)
- Superhero Suits for everyone by guidion (MTS)
- multiple heros costumes 1 by Super Hero Sims3
- multiple heros costumes 2 by Super Hero Sims3
- Wonder Woman costume by Super Hero Sims3
- Jean Grey as Phoenix outfit by CloudWalkerNZ
- Phoenix hair and outfits by Omega
- Black Widow by The Sims 3 Journal
- Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) by Stefan (MTS)
- Captain America by The Sims3 Journal
- Emma Frost by Super Hero Sims3
- Emma Frost and Professor X by justintyme2174 (requires registration)
- Loki by ghostsyj
- Mystique by sims Addons
- Nightwing’s Costume & Boots Converted by shokoninio
- Gwyneth Paltrow by dutch (MTS)
- Anna Paquin (Rogue) by HystericalParoxysm (MTS)
- Spider Man by Kat3rina
- Halle Berry (Storm) by JAKINCOL (MTS)
- Thor by CloudWalkerNZ (MTS)
- Thor by ghostsyj
- Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) by dutch (MTS)
- Hugh Jackman as Wolverine by Severinka
- Wolverine by wagaugusto (exchange)
- Ultimate X-Men by justin211974 (exchange)
- Mob Head Object By MrPowerGamerBR
Nabari no Ou
- School Uniforms Blazer by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms Blazer by ProwlerTylo
- Nana T-Shirts by ProwlerTylo
- Nana Tattoo Accessory by ProwlerTylo
- Naruto's seal as tattoo by Noah (XCAS mod required)
- Naruto Ninja Under-Mesh Accessory Set By ProwlerTylo
- Hana Inuzuka Clan Tattoo By ProwlerTylo
- Inuzuka Clan Facial Markings By ProwlerTylo
- Ninja Shoes (Male) By ProwlerTylo
- Ninja Shoes (Female) By ProwlerTylo
- Chouji's Outfit at Simiversity
- Naruto's Jacketby Rakime
- Naruto's Outfit at Simiversity
- Naruto's Seal at Simiversity
- Naruto's Whiskers at Simiversity
- Naruto's Sleepwear Capat Simiversity
- Sennin Eyesby OliverLastra23
- Tsunade's Outfit at Simiversity
- Zabuza's Outfit at Simiversity
- Sakura's Shippuden Outfit at Simiversity
- Sakura's Skirtby OliverLastra23
- Sakura's Shirtby OliverLastra23
- Sakura's Elbow Guardsby OliverLastra23
- Gai's Outfit at Simiversity
- Rock Lee's Outfit at Simiversity
- Jounin's Outfit at Simiversity
- Jounin Jacketby OliverLastra23
- Sasuke's Outfit at Simiversity
- Sasuke's Cursed Seal at Simiversity
- Sharingan Eyesby OliverLastra23
- Hinata's Jackets at Simiversity
- Byakugan Veinsby OliverLastra23
- Byakugan Eyesby OliverLastra23
- Ninja Shoes at Simiversity
- Pain's Piercings at Simiversity
- Rinnegan Eyesby OliverLastra23
- Ninja Headbands at Simiversity
- Gaara's Sand Gourd at Simiversity
- Itachi's Wrinkles at Simiversity
- Iruka's Scar at Simiversity
- Kakashi's Mask at Simiversity
- Kakashi's Scarby OliverLastra23
- Gaara's Tattoo at Simiversity
- ANBU Set By ProwlerTylo
- Naruto Ninja Clothing Set Teen By ProwlerTylo
- Naruto Ninja Clothing Set YA/A By ProwlerTylo
- Hana Inuzuka Outfit By ProwlerTylo
- Scars Featured in Naruto By ProwlerTylo
- Temari and Shizune Style Short Kimono's By ProwlerTylo
- Kakashi Sharingan (Both) By ProwlerTylo
- Neji Hyuga Set + Curse Marks With Eyes By ProwlerTylo
- Ronyu02 Naruto Pouch (Side/Back) Conversions By ProwlerTylo
- Tobirama Senju Marks By ProwlerTylo
- Naruto Necklace By ProwlerTylo
- Genma Shiranui Hitai-Ate By ProwlerTylo
One Piece
- Zoro Shirt by ProwlerTylo
Ookiku Furikabutte (The Big Windup)
- School Uniforms (Teen Boys) by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms (Child) by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms (YA/A) by ProwlerTylo
- Ookiku Furikabutte School Uniform Jackets by ProwlerTylo
- Baseball Set YA/A Females By ProwlerTylo
- Anime Baseball Shirts (Teen Girls) By ProwlerTylo
- Ookiku Furikabutte Baseball Shirts (Teen Boys)V1 By ProwlerTylo
- Ookiku Furikabutte Baseball Shirts (Teen Boys)V2 By ProwlerTylo
- Ookiku Furikabutte Baseball Shirts (Teen Boys)V3 By ProwlerTylo
- Ookiku Furikabutte Baseball Shirts (Teen Boys)V4 By ProwlerTylo
- Ookiku Furikabutte Baseball Shirts (Teen Boys)V5 By ProwlerTylo
- Anime T-Shirts-Roka's Jack Bull Shirt By ProwlerTylo
- Ookiku Furikabutte Baseball Uniforms By PTylo
Ouran High School Host Club
- Ouran Host Club Uniform at Simiversity
- School Uniforms (Teen Boys)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms (Child)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms (YA/A)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms Blazerby ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms Blazerby ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms Blazer (Teen Females)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms Blazer YA/Adult Male and Femaleby ProwlerTylo
- Poke Ball by CATcorp
- Staryu by CATcorp
- Pikachu by javra
- PokemonMovie Picture by Mystikshine
- Pokemon Laptops by lukecheuh
- Pokemon Painting by lukecheuh
- Magikarp Fitness Centre, Evolve Yourself by Snacks (MTS)
- Pokemon T-Shirts for Young Adult/Adult (Male and Female) by jcgt85 (MTS)
- Pokemon T-Shirts for Teens (Male and Female) by jcgt85 (MTS)
- Pokemon T-Shirts for Children (Male and Female) by jcgt85 (MTS)
- B/W Pokemon Starters Child Unisex Tees by Miss Skitty
- A Bunch of Pokemon CC by Miss Skitty
- Pokemon Toys by Jennisims Jennifer
Prince of Tennis
- Seigaku Tennis Club Oufit at Simiversity
Princess Nine
- Baseball Set YA/A Females By ProwlerTylo
- Anime Baseball Shirts (Teen Girls) By ProwlerTylo
- Fran’s Hat and Custommake by kewaii-dow
Resident Evil
- Tyrant by sHoNi (Sims3Cri)
- Umbrella Male All Ages T-Shirt by psyckorious (MTS)
- Umbrella Corporation Fan T-Shirt by psychorious (MTS)
Tombs The Mummy Research Facility by Hackster Manic (MTS)
- Resident Evil's Carlos Olivera by Rosebud1773 (MTS)
Sailor Moon
- Eternal Sailor Moon Fuku by makreel
- Full Sailor Moon outfit set by Anubis360 (MTS)
- Sailor Moon Boots by makreel
- Sailor Moon Boots v.2 by makreel
- Sailor Fuku by makreel
- Sailor Starlights Outfit by Nekonyami (Sapphire Sims)
- Sailor Animamates Outfits by Nekonyami (Sapphire Sims)
- Sailor Senshi Fukus by Lemon Leaf
- Sailor Moon hair clips by [Rose Sims
- Sailor Moon hair by Rose Sims
- Sailor Moon crescent moon for the forehead by Rose Sims
- Senshi Boots at Bogsims Institute
- Senshi Gloves at Bogsims Institute
- Senshi Tiara at Bogsims Institute
- Serenity Dress by makreel
Saints Row
- Tattoos from Saints Row 2 by Noah (XCAS mod required)
- Tattoos from Saints Row: The Third by Noah (XCAS mod required)
Sengoku Basara
Seikon no Qwaser
- Athos Facial Item By ProwlerTylo
Silent Hill
- Jasper Gein's Graphic T-Shirt by ProwlerTylo
Shaman King
- Hao Chaps By ProwlerTylo
- Yoh Asakura Shirt By ProwlerTylo
Soul Calibur
- Chai Xianghua hair by ANnEV
- Talim hair by ANnEV
Soul Eater
- Anime T-Shirts-Mifune's Osamurai T-Shirt By ProwlerTylo
- Elexis RE6 Ada Wong Hairstyle (Death The Kid) by PaintStroke
- Franken Stein Head Bolt and Death Scythe By PTylo
Sword of the Stranger
- Nanashi Inspired Chest/Back and Full Body Scars By ProwlerTylo
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- School Uniforms Blazer by ProwlerTylo (TSR)
The Witcher
- hair by Wings
- Scars by Shep (MTS)
- Accessory Pendant by Severinka
- Outskirts of Wyzima tavern by Vera_J (MTS)
Tsubasa Chronicles
- Anime Tattoo Accessory-Fyeby ProwlerTylo
Vampire Knight
- Anime Tattoo Accessory-Zeroby ProwlerTylo
Zombie Loan
- School Uniforms Blazerby ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms Blazer (Teen Females)by ProwlerTylo
- School Uniforms Blazer YA/Adult Male and Femaleby ProwlerTylo
- Umbrella Male All Ages T-Shirt by psyckorious (MTS)
- Umbrella Corporation Fan T-Shirt by psychorious (MTS)
The Mummy Research Facility by Hackster Manic (MTS)
- Resident Evil's Carlos Olivera by Rosebud1773 (MTS)
Sailor Moon
- Eternal Sailor Moon Fuku by makreel (TSR)
- Full Sailor Moon outfit set by Anubis360 (MTS)
- Sailor Moon Boots by makreel (TSR)
- Sailor Moon Boots v.2 by makreel (TSR)
- Sailor Fuku by makreel (TSR)
- Sailor Starlights Outfit by Nekonyami (Sapphire Sims)
- Sailor Animamates Outfits by Nekonyami (Sapphire Sims)
- Sailor Senshi Fukus by Lemon Leaf
- Sailor Moon hair clips by [Rose Sims
- Sailor Moon hair by Rose Sims
- Sailor Moon crescent moon for the forehead by Rose Sims
- Senshi Boots at Bogsims Institute
- Senshi Gloves at Bogsims Institute
- Senshi Tiara at Bogsims Institute
- Serenity Dress by makreel (TSR)
Seikon no Qwaser
- Athos Facial Item By ProwlerTylo
Silent Hill
- Jasper Gein's Graphic T-Shirt by ProwlerTylo
Shaman King
- Hao Chaps By ProwlerTylo
- Yoh Asakura Shirt By ProwlerTylo
Soul Eater
- Anime T-Shirts-Mifune's Osamurai T-Shirt By ProwlerTylo
- Franken Stein’s “Screw Loose Set” – Death Scythe and Head Bolt By ProwlerTylo
Sword of the Stranger
- Nanashi Inspired Chest/Back and Full Body Scars By ProwlerTylo
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- School Uniforms Blazer by ProwlerTylo (TSR)
Tsubasa Chronicles
- Anime Tattoo Accessory-Fyeby ProwlerTylo
Vampire Knight
- Anime Tattoo Accessory-Zeroby ProwlerTylo
Zombie Loan
- School Uniforms Blazerby ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- School Uniforms Blazer (Teen Females)by ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- School Uniforms Blazer YA/Adult Male and Femaleby ProwlerTylo
- Naruto Team Portraits by ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Naruto Decorative Books by ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Sai Wall Art Set by ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Naruto Bedroom Wall Art Set by ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Sawada Wedding Photos from Katekyo Hitman Reborn by ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- April Wall Calendar from Katekyo Hitman Reborn by ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Kingdom Hearts Struggle Trophy by Claeric
- Anime Flags By ProwlerTylo
- Sawada House from Katekyo Hitman Reborn by ProwlerTylo (TSR) (Subscriber Only)
- Franken Stein Inspired Soul Eater House By ProwlerTylo
- Konoha Swirl Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Akatsuki Cloud Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Naruto's Bedroom Poster Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Kakashi'si Bedspread Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Oddity Pattern featured in Katekyo Hitman Reborn By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Akatsuki Cloud Pattern by amy-hotchic
- Lambo of Katekyo Hitman Reborn Cow Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Rin Tosaka Cross Pattern (Fate/Stay Night) By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 1 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 2 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 3 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 4 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 5 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 6 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 7 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 8 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 9 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 10 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 11 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 12 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Gotei 13 Division 13 Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Konoha Leaf Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)
- Sesshomaru Symbol Pattern By ProwlerTylo (TSR)