Sims 3 Content List:Game Mods and Hacks
Content Lists by Category | |
Animals | Anime and Video Games | Building and Construction | Celebrity Sims | Character Sims | Child-Related | Create-A-Sim Content | Crime, Punishment, and Public Service | Decorating Themes | EA Match | Fantasy/Sci-Fi | Food | Game Mods and Hacks | Historical and Ethnic | Holidays | Medical | Patterns | Programs and Utilities | Religious | Work & School | Sims 1 & 2 for Sims 3 | Vehicles | Weddings and Marriage | |
Popular Mods
Slider Hacks
All slider mods listed here are for patch version 1.26!
- AwesomeMod by Pescado
Slider range
Extra sliders
- Core mod
- MasterController by Twallan at Nraas Industries
- XCAS by CmarNYC
Slider range
Extra sliders
- Core mod
These slider hacks are for older patches - only use if you cannot/will not update!
Story Progression
- Awesomemod by J.M. Pescado
- XML Story Progression: No Vampires, No Emigration, No Move by Shimrod101
- StoryProgression by Twallan
Greater Than Eight
Non-Core mods by Twallan @NRaas Industries
- MasterController - "Add Sim" allows merging of sims into overstuffed families
- Woohooer - unlocks "Try For Baby"
- PortraitPanel - displays more than eight portraits on the screen
- StoryProgression - allows the progression system to create overstuffed households
- Mover - unlocks "greater than eight" in the Edit Town and "Move" interactions
Error Correction and Prevention
- ErrorTrap by Twallan
- Automated corrections, error reporting, and save-game cleanup
- Core mod
- Invisible Sim Fixer by Consort
- Overwatch by Twallan
- Automated corrections for many game errors
- Traveler by Twallan
- Unlocks error reporting for traveling and corrects load-up issues
Careers & Education
- Careers by Twallan
- Required to load custom careers
- Evening School by Cherry92
- Extra Credit Homework by NonaMena
- No Academic Performance Decay by NonaMena
- Variable Career Metrics by Sims MX
- University Manager by Kuree
- All Bars Serve All Drinks by Princess Artemis
- No coughing / choking while eating by Esmeralda
- Based on TigerM's Sim Cough Drop
- Script for Custom Foods (includes custom moodlets) by Nonamena
- Chef Service by douglasveiga
- Cooking & Ingredients Overhaul by BlackCat007 (supported by anak_ponti)
- No Auto Make Processed Baby Food by werismyki
- No Shopping from Fridge by ani_
- Chef Plant by douglasveiga
- Gardener Service by douglasveiga
- Missing Auto Soils (Plasma Fruit, Carrot & more) by Sims MX
- Harvest Robot by douglasveiga
- Magic Gardening Gnome by dolphin26 (supported by jimhsu)
- Magic Water Pump by silverfox
Pictures, Movies, Storytelling and Poses
- Invisible light: Land of Woe
Reproduction, Relationships, and Family
- Retuned Attraction System by Fentonparkninja
- Labor Leaks by lesbisim
- Pregnancy Progress Controller by CmarNYC
- Same-Sex Pregnancy & Teen Pregnancy
- Included in Twallan's Woohooer
- Possible with CmarNYC's Pregnancy Progress Controller
- Possible with Twallan's Master Controller
Pregnancy Morphs
- Fixes for Missing Pregnant Morphs by CmarNYC
- Male Pregnancy Morphs by CmarNYC
- Teen Female Maternity Wear by CmarNYC
Babies & Children
- Breastfeeding Mod by Nona Mena
- Consort HairColor by Consort
- Pool Slide by cmomoney
- Newborns Get Zodiac Signs that Match the Current Season by Sims MX
- Toddler Interactions by Cherry92
- Unlocked Child/Teen LTR and Traits by Chicken0895
- Permanent WA Tents by baileywll
- Traveler by Twallan
- Book of Talent by treeag
- Cigarette/Smoking Mod by cmomoney
- Grow by Consort
- Hidden Traits Unlocked by treeag
- Hypochondriac Trait by Sims MX
- More Alchemy Potions + Potions for Pets by Sims MX
- Remove stencils/overlays from build/buy/CAS objects in game by velocitygrass
- Shop from Inventory by ani_
- Sim Transformer by treeag
- Treasure Box by treeag
- TS3 Apartment Mod by ani_
Base Game
- CAS Clutter Begone: Hiders for Duplicate Hat Hairs by whiterider at MTS
- I Hate Hats Base Game Hat Hider by Winterhart at MTS
- The Sims 3 Recategorizor Sims MX at MTS
- Maids Shirts by Julie_J at MTS
- Facial Hair for Teens by tommytiger at MTS
EP01 World Adventures
- CAS Clutter Begone: Hiders for Duplicate Hat Hairs by whiterider at MTS
- I Hate Hats World Adventures Hat Hiders by Winterhart at MTS
- The Sims 3 Recategorizor Sims MX at MTS
- Sculptable Furniture Sims MX at MTS
- World Adventures Cameras in Buy Catalog by Zerbu at MTS
EP02 Ambitions
- CAS Clutter Begone: Hiders for Duplicate Hat Hairs by whiterider at MTS
- I Hate Hats Ambitions Hat Hiders by Winterhart at MTS
- June Just Rains: Unlocked Ambitions Firefighter Coat by whiterider at MTS
- The Sims 3 Recategorizor Sims MX at MTS
EP03 Late Night
- CAS Clutter Begone: Hiders for Duplicate Hat Hairs by whiterider at MTS
- Buyable Wall Mailbox and Trash Chute HugeLunatic at MTS
- Buyable Food Truck Inge at Simlogical
- Buyable Food Truck pcexpert at MTS
- CAS Towel Wrap HugeLunatic at MTS
- Celebrity Rewards pcexpert at MTS
- Formal as Every day by Anubis at MTS
- I'll wear whatever I want! ~ LateNight formal outfits as everyday by Anubis360 at MTS
- Late Night Cranes Unlockedby armiel at MTS
- The Sims 3 Recategorizor Sims MX at MTS
EP04 Generations
- CAS Clutter Begone: Hiders for Duplicate Hat Hairs by whiterider at MTS
- Adult Lab Coats Unlocked in CAS by Kitty Paine at MTS
- Child Muscle Costume Top Hider/Recat by Menaceman44 at MTS
- Dancing Queen ~ Generations formal outfits as everyday by Anubis360 at MTS
- Generations Costume Hats Unlocked by Kitty Paine at MTS
- Generations Costumes Unlocked by Kitty Paine at MTS
- Generations Toy Recats by Menaceman44 at MTS
- Imaginary Friends, For Reals by omegastarr82 at MTS
- No more girly shoes for boys! by Robodl95 at MTS
- Teen Lab Coats Unlocked by Kitty Paine at MTS
EP05 Pets
- CAS Clutter Begone: Hiders for Duplicate Hat Hairs by whiterider at MTS
- Unicorns' "outfit" unlocked in CAP! by claudiasharon at MTS
EP06 Showtime
- Genie Outfits, Hairs/Hats & Shoes Unlocked by gesimz at MTS
- Katy Perry Hair Available in All CAS Categories & Fruit Dress As A Formal Outfit by gesimz at MTS
- Showtime Elder Tops Unlocked by Vera J at MTS
- Showtime Long Choppy Hair Enabled for Teens! by miktiger at MTS
- Simport Rewards Unlocked by Velocitygrass at MTS
SP02 Fast Lane Stuff
- I Hate Hats Fast Lane Hat Hiders by Winterhart at MTS
The Sims 3 Store Content
- "Mail Ho!" from Barnacle Bay Set by HugeLunatic at MTS
Content Lists by Category | |
Animals | Anime and Video Games | Building and Construction | Celebrity Sims | Character Sims | Child-Related | Create-A-Sim Content | Crime, Punishment, and Public Service | Decorating Themes | EA Match | Fantasy/Sci-Fi | Food | Game Mods and Hacks | Historical and Ethnic | Holidays | Medical | Patterns | Programs and Utilities | Religious | Work & School | Sims 1 & 2 for Sims 3 | Vehicles | Weddings and Marriage | |