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There's a constant, "CheckFlags = 0xc3f38", masking off up to Decorative, which implies the other flags aren't really "slot placement"...  Maybe.  Today.
There's a constant, "CheckFlags = 0xc3f38", masking off up to Decorative, which implies the other flags aren't really "slot placement"...  Maybe.  Today.

Revision as of 03:10, 5 May 2010

Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference 

Object Definition
Game Version:The Sims 3



Defines the basic parameters of an object such as price, and buy/build mode sort flags, and links to additional resources.


"indexn" fields are where the given position in the TGI Block List refers to the resource mentioned in the comment.

DWORD Version
DWORD TGI_offset
--insert Material List section for Object
--if Version >= 0x16
	7BITSTR // some string
--insert Common section
4 BYTE // binary zero
DWORD index1 // to an OBJK (0x02DC343F)
BYTE Count1 // wallmask entries
	DWORD // wallmask dds index
DWORD index2 // to Diagonal OBJD if it exists otherwise to a null TGI entry
DWORD hash // 0xC602CD31 ('tree' hashed) in trees, otherwise 0
DWORD RoomFlags
DWORD FunctionCategoryFlags
QWORD SubCategoryFlags
QWORD SubRoomFlags
DWORD BuildCategoryFlags
DWORD index3 // to mask DDS in sinks, otherwise to a null DDS entry
DWORD slotPlacementFlags
7BITSTR // Material Grouping 1
7BITSTR // Material Grouping 2
DWORD index4 // to Fallback OBJD TGI, otherwise to a null entry

--insert TGI Block List

Category Flags

Room Flags

Flag Description
0x00000002 Living Room
0x00000004 Dining Room
0x00000008 Kitchen
0x00000010 Kid Bedroom
0x00000020 Bathroom
0x00000040 Bedroom
0x00000080 Study
0x00000100 Outdoors
0x00000200 Community
0x00000400 Residential
0x00000800 Pool

Room SubSort

Flag Description
0x0000000000000002 Dishwashers
0x0000000000000004 SmallAppliances
0x0000000000000008 Refrigerators
0x0000000000000010 TrashCans
0x0000000000000020 Alarms
0x0000000000000040 Phones
0x0000000000000080 TVs
0x0000000000000100 Smoke Alarm
0x0000000000000400 Stereo
0x0000000000000800 Computers
0x0000000000001000 Hobbies
0x0000000000002000 Fitness
0x0000000000004000 LoungeChair
0x0000000000008000 DeskChair
0x0000000000010000 Stoves
0x0000000000020000 Grills
0x0000000000040000 Bicycle
0x0000000000080000 CeilingLights
0x0000000000100000 FloorLamps
0x0000000000200000 TableLamps
0x0000000000400000 WallLamps
0x0000000000800000 OutdoorLighting
0x0000000001000000 Showers
0x0000000002000000 Sinks
0x0000000004000000 Toilets
0x0000000008000000 Tubs
0x0000000010000000 Misc Bathroom
0x0000000020000000 Outdoor Sculpture
0x0000000040000000 Paintings
0x0000000080000000 Plants
0x0000000100000000 Mirrors
0x0000000200000000 VideoGames
0x0000000400000000 Kids Paintings
0x0000000800000000 Bookshelves
0x0000001000000000 Cabinets
0x0000002000000000 Dressers
0x0000004000000000 DiningChairs
0x0000008000000000 Sofas
0x0000010000000000 OutdoorSeating
0x0000040000000000 Beds
0x0000080000000000 Barstools
0x0000100000000000 CoffeeTables
0x0000200000000000 Counters
0x0000400000000000 Desks
0x0000800000000000 EndTables
0x0001000000000000 DiningTables
0x0002000000000000 Baby
0x0004000000000000 Toys
0x0008000000000000 Garage
0x0010000000000000 Bars
0x0020000000000000 Clocks
0x0040000000000000 CurtainsAndBlinds
0x0080000000000000 Kids Sculpture
0x0100000000000000 Misc Sculpture
0x0200000000000000 Rugs

Category Flags

Flag Description
0x00000002 Appliances
0x00000004 Electronics
0x00000008 Entertainment
0x00000020 Lighting
0x00000040 Plumbing
0x00000080 Decor
0x00000100 Children
0x00000200 Storage
0x00000800 Comfort
0x00001000 Surfaces
0x00002000 Vehicles
0x40000000 Debug

Category SubSort

Flag Description
0x0000000000000002 Appliances/MiscellaneousAppliances
0x0000000000000004 Appliances/SmallAppliances
0x0000000000000008 Appliances/LargeAppliances
0x0000000000000080 Electronics/TVs
0x0000000000000100 Electronics/MiscellaneousElectronics
0x0000000000000400 Electronics/Audio
0x0000000000000800 Electronics/Computers
0x0000000000001000 Entertainment/HobbiesAndSkills
0x0000000000002000 Entertainment/SportingGoods
0x0000000000004000 Comfort/LivingChairs
0x0000000000020000 Entertainment/Parties
0x0000000000040000 Entertainment/MiscellaneousEntertainment
0x0000000000080000 Lighting/CeilingLights
0x0000000000100000 Lighting/FloorLamps
0x0000000000200000 Lighting/TableLamps
0x0000000000400000 Lighting/WallLamps
0x0000000000800000 Lighting/OutdoorLights
0x0000000001000000 Comfort/LoungeChairs
0x0000000002000000 Plumbing/Sinks
0x0000000004000000 Plumbing/Toilets
0x0000000008000000 Plumbing/ShowersAndTubs
0x0000000010000000 Decor/MiscellaneousDecor
0x0000000040000000 Decor/PaintingsAndPosters
0x0000000080000000 Decor/Sculptures
0x0000000100000000 Decor/Mirrors
0x0000000800000000 Storage/Bookshelves
0x0000002000000000 Storage/Dressers
0x0000004000000000 Comfort/DiningChairs
0x0000008000000000 Comfort/SofasAndLoveseats
0x0000010000000000 Comfort/MiscellaneousComfort
0x0000040000000000 Comfort/Beds
0x0000100000000000 Surfaces/CoffeeTables
0x0000200000000000 Surfaces/Counters
0x0000400000000000 Surfaces/Desks
0x0000800000000000 Surfaces/EndTables
0x0001000000000000 Surfaces/DiningTables
0x0002000000000000 Kids/Furniture
0x0004000000000000 Kids/Toys
0x0008000000000000 Vehicles/Cars
0x0010000000000000 Vehicles/Bicycles
0x0020000000000000 Surfaces/Cabinets
0x0040000000000000 Decor/CurtainsAndBlinds
0x0080000000000000 Kids/MiscellaneousKids
0x0800000000000000 Surfaces/MiscellaneousSurfaces
0x2000000000000000 Decor/Rugs

Build Flags

Flag Description
0x00000002 Doors
0x00000004 Windows
0x00000008 Fences
0x00000010 Columns
0x00000020 Community
0x00000040 Fireplaces
0x00000100 Arched Doors
0x00000200 Groundcover
0x00000400 Plants
0x00000800 Trees
0x00001000 Rugs?
0x00002000 Rocks

Slot Placement Flags

Taken from one of the game's C# files:

Flag Description
0x00000001 None
0x00000008 Small
0x00000010 Medium
0x00000020 Large
0x00000100 Sim
0x00000200 Chair
0x00000400 CounterSink
0x00000800 EndTable
0x00001000 Stool
0x00002000 CounterAppliance
0x00040000 Functional
0x00080000 Decorative
0x01000000 Upgrade
0x02000000 Vertical (aka MatchFlags)
0x04000000 PlacementOnly
0x10000000 CardinalRotation
0x20000000 FullRotation
0x40000000 AlwaysUp

There's a constant, "CheckFlags = 0xc3f38", masking off up to Decorative, which implies the other flags aren't really "slot placement"... Maybe. Today.

Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference 

Personal tools

game select