Sims 3:PackedFileTypes
From SimsWiki
Modding Reference by Category | |
Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference |
Type ID | Abbr | File type | Comments | Found in (for example) | Supported by s3pi / s3pe?4 |
Supported by Postal?3 |
0x00AE6C67 | BONE | skcon |
Yes1 | ||
0x00B2D882 | _IMG | dds | DDS Image |
Yes2 | |
0x00B552EA | _SPT | tree | Speed Tree® Resource |
0x015A1849 | GEOM | geom | Body Geometry File |
Yes1 | |
0x0166038C | NMAP | nmap | Name Map |
Yes | |
0x01661233 | MODL | scene | Object Model (aka Object Geometry) |
Yes1 | |
0x01A527DB | _AUD | mm | audio snr (voice/aud) |
0x01D0E6FB | VBUF |
Yes1 | |||
0x01D0E70F | IBUF |
Yes1 | |||
0x01D0E723 | VRTF |
Yes1 | |||
0x01D0E75D | MATD | scene | Material Definition |
Yes | |
0x01D0E76B | SKIN | scene | Yes1 | |||
0x01D10F34 | MLOD | scene | Object Model LODs (aka Object Geometry LODs) |
Yes1 | |
0x01EEF63A | _AUD | mm | audio sns (fx/music) |
0x02019972 | MTST | scene | Scenegraph Resource |
Yes | |
0x021D7E8C | SPT2 | scene | Speed Tree® Data |
0x0229684B | VBUF |
Yes1 | |||
0x0229684F | IBUF |
Yes1 | |||
0x022B756C | World Description Name Hash |
0x025C90A6 | _CSS | css | CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) |
Yes | |
0x025C95B6 | LAYO | xml | UI Layout definitions |
Yes | |
0x025ED6F4 | SIMO | xml | Sim Outfit |
Yes | |
0x029E333B | VOCE | voicemix | audio voice (controllers) |
Yes | |
0x02C9EFF2 | MIXR | audmix | audio submix (mixers) |
Yes | |
0x02D5DF13 | JAZZ | jazz | Animation Sequences |
Yes | |
0x02DC343F | OBJK | objkey | Object Information (Looks like it says what the object is one of and what script set it should run) |
Yes | |
0x033260E3 | TKMK | trackmask | Animation track mask |
Yes1 | |
0x0333406C | _XML | xml | XML Resource (Uses include tuning constants) |
Yes | |
0x033A1435 | TXTC | compositor | Texture Compositor. The groupID seems to match the second half of the InstanceID of several other resources of the same object. |
Yes | |
0x033B2B66 |
0x0341ACC9 | TXTF | fabric | Fabric Compositor |
Yes | |
0x034AEECB | CASP | caspart | CAS Part Data |
Yes | |
0x0354796A | TONE | skintone | Skin Tone |
Yes1 | |
0x03555BA8 | TONE | hairtone | Hair Tone Resource |
Yes1 | |
0x0355E0A6 | BOND | bonedelta | Slot adjusts |
Yes | |
0x0358B08A | FACE | faceblend | Face parts |
Yes | |
0x03B33DDF | ITUN | xml | Interaction Tuning (These are like the stuff you had in TTAB. Motive advertising and autonomy etc) |
Yes | |
0x03B4C61D | LITE | light | Parameters for lighting |
Yes | |
0x03D843C2 | CCHE | cacheentry | Compositor Cache Entry |
0x03D86EA4 | DETL | World "lot" information (world). |
0x03E80CDC | got the hood name in also |
0x0418FE2A | CFEN | fence | Catalog fence |
Yes | |
0x044735DD |
0x044AE110 | COMP | xml | Complate Preset |
Yes | |
0x046A7235 | Lot locational data |
0x048A166D | UNKN |
0x0498DA7E | Global lot ID |
0x049CA4CD | CSTR | stairs | Catalog Stairs |
Yes | |
0x04A09283 | UNKN | Lot stair location details |
0x04A4D951 | World Detail. |
0x04AC5D93 | CPRX | proxyprod | Catalog Proxy Product |
Yes | |
0x04B30669 | CTTL | terraintool | Catalog Terrain Geometry Brush |
Yes | |
0x04C58103 | CRAL | railing | Catalog Railing |
Yes | |
0x04D82D90 | CMRU | cachemru | Compositor Cache MRU |
0x04ED4BB2 | CTPT | terrainpaint | Catalog Terrain Paint Brush |
Yes | |
0x04EE6ABB | UNKN | Lot terrain texture list |
0x04F3CC01 | CFIR | fireplace | Catalog Fireplace |
Yes | |
0x04F51033 | SBNO | binoutfit |
0x04F66BCC | UNKN | Fireplace/chimney groups |
0x04F88964 | SIME | simexport | Townie Data |
0x051DF2DD | CBLN | compblend | Face Piece Preset |
0x05512255 | UNKN | Room index |
0x553EAD4 | UNKN |
0x0563919E | UNKN | Lot wall/floor compositor |
0x0580A2B4 | Seems to have list of what colour the walls and floors are |
0x0580A2B5 |
0x0580A2B6 |
0x0580A2CD | SNAP | png |
Yes | ||
0x0580A2CE | SNAP | png | PNG Image Small Image of Sims |
Yes | |
0x0580A2CF | SNAP | png | PNG Image Large Image of Sims |
Yes | |
0x0580A2B4 | THUM | png | Yes | |||
0x0580A2B5 | THUM | png | Yes | |||
0x0580A2B6 | THUM | png | Yes | |||
0x0589DC44 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x0589DC45 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x0589DC46 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x0589DC46 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x0591B1AF | UPST | usercastpreset | User CASt Preset |
0x05B17698 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x05B17699 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x05B1769A | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x05B1B524 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x05B1B525 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x05B1B526 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x05CD4BB3 | World Routing |
0x05DA8AF6 | WBND | World boundries |
0x05E4FAF7 | UNKN |
0x05ED1226 | REFS | references | Reference Store |
0x05FF3549 | UNKN |
0x05FF6BA4 | 2ARY | bnry | could be lot geography (elevation detail)? |
0x0604ABDA | DMTR | dreamtree |
0x060B390C | CWAT | water | Catalog Terrain Water Brush |
Yes | |
0x060E1826 | UNKN |
0x0611B0E7 | UNKN |
0x062853A8 | FAMD | household | Family Data |
0x062C8204 | BBLN | filen | Clothing Parts |
Yes | |
0x062E9EE0 |
0x06302271 | CINF | color | Color Information |
Yes1 | |
0x063261DA | HINF | haircolor | Hair Information |
Yes1 | |
0x06326213 | OBCI | objcolor |
0x06393F5D | UNKN |
0x065B8B38 | UNKN |
0x065BFCAC |
0x065BFCAD |
0x065BFCAE |
0x0668F628 | World Description Details |
0x0668F630 | World Description Number of Lots |
0x0668F635 | TWNI | png | World Description Image |
Yes | |
0x0668F639 | TWNP | imgpath | World Description Image Path |
0x067CAA11 | BGEO | blendgeom | Blend Geometry |
0x06B981ED | OBJS | objs | Script state dump. |
0x06CE4804 | META | Meta Data |
0x06D6B112 | UNKN |
0x06DC847E | UNKN | Lot terrain paint |
0x073FAA07 | S3SA | s3sa | Compiled script (Signed MSIL Assembly) |
Yes | |
0x07046B39 | Index of Installed Sims |
0x07CD07EC | Front door reference |
0x0A36F07A | CCFP | fountain | Catalog resource for curved pools etc |
Yes | |
0x0C37A5B5 | LOOK | lookuptab | Thumbnail & CAS Default Parts |
0x0C07456D | COLL | Collection |
0x11E32896 | Roof definitions |
0x16B17A6C | Thumbnail Expiration |
0x1F886EAD | _INI | ini | ini file |
Yes | |
0x220557DA | STBL | stbl | String Table (Catalog name and description - one per language starting 00?????????????? for English) |
Yes | |
0x2AD195F2 |
0x2653E3C8 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x2653E3C9 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x2653E3CA | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x2D4284F0 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x2D4284F1 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x2D4284F2 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x2E75C764 | ICON | png | object thumbnail small |
Yes | |
0x2E75C765 | ICON | png | object thumbnail medium |
Yes | |
0x2E75C766 | ICON | png | object thumbnail large |
Yes | |
0x2E75C767 | ICON | png | object thumbnail very large |
Yes | |
0x2F7D0002 | IMAG | png | UI Image (TGA) | Yes | ||
0x2F7D0004 | IMAG | png | UI Image (PNG) |
Yes | |
0x2F7D0008 | UITX | uitexture | Texture UV Map |
0x312E7545 | UNKN | Walls |
0x316C78F2 | CFND | foundation | Catalog foundation |
Yes | |
0x319E4F1D | OBJD | object | Object definition |
Yes | |
0x32C83095 | Thumbnail Validation |
0x342778A7 | face overlays, tints, eyebrow makeup, clothes | |||||
0x342779A7 |
0x34E5247C | UNKN |
0x35A33E29 | World Description Hash |
0x3A65AF29 | MINF | makeup | Makeup Information |
Yes1 | |
0x3D8632D0 | World terrain paint |
0x4D1A5589 | OBJN | objn | Object instances |
0x4F09F8E1 | UNKN |
0x515CA4CD | CWAL | wall | Catalog Wall/Floor Pattern |
Yes | |
0x54372472 | TSNP | png | SNAP For Sims In Travel World |
0x5DE9DBA0 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x5DE9DBA1 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x5DE9DBA2 | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x626F60CC | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x626F60CD | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x626F60CE | THUM | png |
Yes | ||
0x628A788F | Neighborhood active household information |
0x63A33EA7 | ANIM | scene | Scenegraph Resource |
Yes1 | |
0x6ABFAD26 | UNKN |
0x6B20C4F3 | CLIP | animation | animations (eg c2o) aka S3Clip |
Yes1 | |
0x6B6D837D | SNAP | png | PNG Image - family pics small |
Yes | |
0x6B6D837E | SNAP | png | PNG Image - family pics medium |
Yes | |
0x6B6D837F | SNAP | png | PNG Image - family pics large |
Yes | |
0x72683C15 | STPR | sktonepreset |
0x736884F1 | VPXY | vpxy | Visual Proxy. Model links |
Yes | |
0x73E93EEB | _XML | xml | Package manifest |
Yes | |
0x7672F0C5 | Package dependency information |
0x8070223D | AUDT | audtun | Audio Tuners |
0x82B43584 | Checksum |
0x8EAF13DE | _RIG | grannyrig | Rig Resource |
Yes1 | |
0x8FFB80F6 | _ADS | dds | DDS Image |
Yes2 | |
0x90620000 |
0x90624C1B |
0x9063660D | World Texture Map. |
0x9063660E | Roads intersection and curves |
0x913381F2 | UNKN |
0x9151E6BC | CWST | wallstyle | Catalog Wall |
Yes | |
0x91EDBD3E | CRST | roofstyle | Catalog Roof Style |
Yes | |
0x94C5D14A | SIGR | signature |
0x94EC4B54 | UNKN |
0xA2377025 |
0xA5F9FE18 | UNKN | Social Routing Template? |
0xA8D58BE5 | SKIL | xml | Custom skill data |
Yes | |
0xAE39399F | World geometry |
0xB074ACE6 |
0xB125533A | UNKN |
0xB1422971 | UNKN |
0xB1CC1AF6 | _VID | mm | GSTR Movies |
0xB4DD716B | _INV | inventory | Persondata |
0xB52F5055 | FBLN | blendunit | Blend Unit - a slider within CAS that points to facialblends |
Yes | |
0xCF84EC98 | State machine saved state |
0xCF9A4ACE | MDLR | modular | Modular Object - the hub resource of modular objects |
Yes | |
0xD063545B | LDES | lotdesc | Lot file |
0xD3044521 | RSLT | scene | Slot Definition |
Yes | |
0xD382BF57 | FTPT | scene | Model Footprint |
Yes | |
0xD4D9FBE5 | PTRN | patternlist | Pattern List |
Yes | |
0xD84E7FC5 | ICON | png | PNG Image - small lot image |
Yes | |
0xD84E7FC6 | ICON | png | PNG Image - medium lot image |
Yes | |
0xD84E7FC7 | ICON | png | PNG Image - large lot image |
Yes | |
0xD9BD0909 | World Description Name |
0xDC37E964 | Text Resource | |||||
0xDD3223A7 | BUFF | xml | Custom buff data |
Yes | |
0xDEA2951C | PETB | breed | Pet Breed |
Yes | |
0xEA5118B0 | _SWB | effects | swb Effect Resource Tree |
Yes1 | |
0xF0633989 |
0xF0FF5598 | cam | Camera Preset |
0xF12E5E12 | UNKN |
0xF1EDBD86 | CRMT | roofmatrl | Catalog Roof Pattern |
Yes | |
0xF3A38370 | NGMP | guidmap | Name hash to GUID Map |
Yes | |
0xF609FD60 | World Package |
0xFCEAB65B | THUM | png | Thumbnail for packaged custom colourswatch | Yes |
- Atavera's wrappers and RIG helper.
- DDS support using Paint.Net/libsquish code and DDSPanel/DdsFile s3pi library4 classes, no actual wrapper class.
- Echo's Postal API and editor. (Not yet reviewed.)
- Peter L Jones's s3pi library.
Note that "support" does not imply support is complete - please feel free to contribute corrections and extensions to the wiki if you find information not already documented here.
Modding Reference by Category | |
Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference |